An interference account of the missing-VP effect

Häussler J, Bader M (2015)
Frontiers in Psychology 6.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Häussler, JanaUniBi ; Bader, Markus
Abstract / Bemerkung
Sentences with doubly center-embedded relative clauses in which a verb phrase (VP) is missing are sometimes perceived as grammatical, thus giving rise to an illusion of grammaticality. In this paper, we provide a new account of why missing-VP sentences, which are both complex and ungrammatical, lead to an illusion of grammaticality, the so-called missing-VP effect. We propose that the missing-VP effect in particular, and processing difficulties with multiply center-embedded clauses more generally, are best understood as resulting from interference during cue-based retrieval. When processing a sentence with double center-embedding, a retrieval error due to interference can cause the verb of an embedded clause to be erroneously attached into a higher clause. This can lead to an illusion of grammaticality in the case of missing-VP sentences and to processing complexity in the case of complete sentences with double center-embedding. Evidence for an interference account of the missing-VP effect comes from experiments that have investigated the missing-VP effect in German using a speeded grammaticality judgments procedure. We review this evidence and then present two new experiments that show that the missing-VP effect can be found in German also with less restricting procedures. One experiment was a questionnaire study which required grammaticality judgments from participants without imposing any time constraints. The second experiment used a self-paced reading procedure and did not require any judgments. Both experiments confirm the prior findings of missing-VP effects in German and also show that the missing-VP effect is subject to a primacy effect as known from the memory literature. Based on this evidence, we argue that an account of missing-VP effects in terms of interference during cue-based retrieval is superior to accounts in terms of limited memory resources or in terms of experience with embedded structures.
Frontiers in Psychology
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Häussler J, Bader M. An interference account of the missing-VP effect. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015;6.
Häussler, J., & Bader, M. (2015). An interference account of the missing-VP effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
Häussler, Jana, and Bader, Markus. 2015. “An interference account of the missing-VP effect”. Frontiers in Psychology 6.
Häussler, J., and Bader, M. (2015). An interference account of the missing-VP effect. Frontiers in Psychology 6.
Häussler, J., & Bader, M., 2015. An interference account of the missing-VP effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
J. Häussler and M. Bader, “An interference account of the missing-VP effect”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 6, 2015.
Häussler, J., Bader, M.: An interference account of the missing-VP effect. Frontiers in Psychology. 6, (2015).
Häussler, Jana, and Bader, Markus. “An interference account of the missing-VP effect”. Frontiers in Psychology 6 (2015).

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