Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review

Stehr P, Reifegerste D, Rossmann C, Caspar K, Schulze A, Lindemann A-K (2022)
Patient Education and Counseling 105(8): 2721-2730.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 1.19 MB
Stehr, Paula; Reifegerste, DoreenUniBi; Rossmann, Constanze; Caspar, Katja; Schulze, Annett; Lindemann, Ann-Kathrin
Abstract / Bemerkung
Objective: This review systematically examines the theory base and effectiveness of communication strategies (i. e., message content, message attributes, communication channels, and communicators) of interventions for caregivers to prevent unintentional child injuries. Methods: Relevant articles were searched in the databases Communication and Mass Media Complete, PsycInfo, Pubmed, and Google Scholar, the journal Injury Prevention, and the literature of included studies. A total of 71 articles reporting 67 different studies were included and fully coded. Quality was assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Coded categories and their frequencies are described, and the effectiveness of different communication strategies is explored with crosstabs. Results: Only 17 studies stated the use of a specific theory base; Precaution Adoption Process-Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Health Belief Model were most often used. The message content of most studies aimed at knowledge dissemination; however, addressing behavioral determinants, such as risk perception and self-efficacy, was more effective. About half of the studies did not elaborate on message attributes; calls to action, exemplars, and tailoring were most often used, the latter being most effective. Communication channels ranged from printed products to face-to-face communication and digital media. In addition, studies specifying interpersonal communicators were highly effective. Conclusion: The results of the review suggest that the following aspects can contribute to effective communication in child injury prevention: theory-based communication, addressing broad knowledge and further behavioral determinants, digital tailoring, and health professionals as communicators. However, a conclusive statement on the effectiveness of different communication strategies is hampered by the fact that they are not specified and/or confounded in many studies.
Communication strategies; Message content; Message attributes; Communication channels; Injury prevention; Unintentional child injuries
Patient Education and Counseling
Page URI


Stehr P, Reifegerste D, Rossmann C, Caspar K, Schulze A, Lindemann A-K. Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling. 2022;105(8):2721-2730.
Stehr, P., Reifegerste, D., Rossmann, C., Caspar, K., Schulze, A., & Lindemann, A. - K. (2022). Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling, 105(8), 2721-2730. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2022.04.015
Stehr, Paula, Reifegerste, Doreen, Rossmann, Constanze, Caspar, Katja, Schulze, Annett, and Lindemann, Ann-Kathrin. 2022. “Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review”. Patient Education and Counseling 105 (8): 2721-2730.
Stehr, P., Reifegerste, D., Rossmann, C., Caspar, K., Schulze, A., and Lindemann, A. - K. (2022). Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling 105, 2721-2730.
Stehr, P., et al., 2022. Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling, 105(8), p 2721-2730.
P. Stehr, et al., “Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review”, Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 105, 2022, pp. 2721-2730.
Stehr, P., Reifegerste, D., Rossmann, C., Caspar, K., Schulze, A., Lindemann, A.-K.: Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling. 105, 2721-2730 (2022).
Stehr, Paula, Reifegerste, Doreen, Rossmann, Constanze, Caspar, Katja, Schulze, Annett, and Lindemann, Ann-Kathrin. “Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review”. Patient Education and Counseling 105.8 (2022): 2721-2730.
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