Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association

Mateos JL, Staiger D (2023)
Plant Cell.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Mateos, Julieta L.; Staiger, DorotheeUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) have a broad impact on most biochemical, physiological, and developmental processes in a plant's life. RBPs engage in an on-off relationship with their RNA partners, accompanying virtually every stage in RNA processing and function. While the function of a plethora of RBPs in plant development and stress responses has been described, we are lacking a systems-level understanding of components in RNA-based regulation. Novel techniques have substantially enlarged the compendium of proteins with experimental evidence for binding to RNAs in the cell, the RNA-binding proteome. Furthermore, ribonomics methods have been adapted for use in plants to profile the in vivo binding repertoire of RBPs genome-wide. Here, we discuss how recent technological achievements have provided novel insights into the mode of action of plant RBPs at a genome-wide scale. Furthermore, we touch upon two emerging topics, the connection of RBPs to phase separation in the cell and to extracellular RNAs. Finally, we define open questions to be addressed to move toward an integrated understanding of RBP function.
Plant Cell
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Mateos JL, Staiger D. Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association. Plant Cell. 2023.
Mateos, J. L., & Staiger, D. (2023). Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association. Plant Cell.
Mateos, Julieta L., and Staiger, Dorothee. 2023. “Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association”. Plant Cell.
Mateos, J. L., and Staiger, D. (2023). Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association. Plant Cell.
Mateos, J.L., & Staiger, D., 2023. Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association. Plant Cell.
J.L. Mateos and D. Staiger, “Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association”, Plant Cell, 2023.
Mateos, J.L., Staiger, D.: Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association. Plant Cell. (2023).
Mateos, Julieta L., and Staiger, Dorothee. “Toward a systems view on RNA-binding proteins and associated RNAs in plants: Guilt by association”. Plant Cell (2023).

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