A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces

Ceyhan H-K, Drawe P, Schupp T (2023)
Annals of Work Exposures and Health.

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Ceyhan, Haci-KubilayUniBi; Drawe, Patrick; Schupp, Thomas
Abstract / Bemerkung
Primary aromatic amines (PAAs) are a class of hazardous substances where many compounds are classified as carcinogen, mutagen, and reproduction toxin (CMR). PAAs can be taken up by dermal exposure. In the polyurethane industry, a valid and trustworthy method for the quantification of PAAs in the presence of isocyanates that could interfere is of great interest, especially on workplaces where a regular contact to PAAs cannot be excluded. The aim of this work is the development, validation, and verification of a novel sampling device to quantify selectively the PAA load on work surfaces. We describe the synthesis of Cell-ssALA-PEMSA analytical papers and their characterization by infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The recovery of TDA and MDA spiked on these filters is satisfactory. An excellent selectivity of Cell-ssALA-PEMSA papers towards PAAs in the presence of isocyanates of almost 100% was found by wipe tests of amine/isocyanate contaminated surfaces. First positive field tests were achieved at certain areas in a Polyurethane Technical Application Department where surface contamination with PAAs was expected, and the Cell-ssALA-PEMSA analytical papers were superior to an established method of surface sampling. However, recovery of these amines from surfaces shows a large variability, and more work is required to address influencing surface properties.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
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Ceyhan H-K, Drawe P, Schupp T. A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces. Annals of Work Exposures and Health. 2023.
Ceyhan, H. - K., Drawe, P., & Schupp, T. (2023). A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces. Annals of Work Exposures and Health. https://doi.org/10.1093/annweh/wxac099
Ceyhan, Haci-Kubilay, Drawe, Patrick, and Schupp, Thomas. 2023. “A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces”. Annals of Work Exposures and Health.
Ceyhan, H. - K., Drawe, P., and Schupp, T. (2023). A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces. Annals of Work Exposures and Health.
Ceyhan, H.-K., Drawe, P., & Schupp, T., 2023. A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces. Annals of Work Exposures and Health.
H.-K. Ceyhan, P. Drawe, and T. Schupp, “A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces”, Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2023.
Ceyhan, H.-K., Drawe, P., Schupp, T.: A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces. Annals of Work Exposures and Health. (2023).
Ceyhan, Haci-Kubilay, Drawe, Patrick, and Schupp, Thomas. “A Novel Sampling Device for the Quantification of Primary Aromatic Amines on Surfaces”. Annals of Work Exposures and Health (2023).

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