Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood
Bilgin A, Wolke D, Trower H, Baumann N, Raikkonen K, Heinonen K, Kajantie E, Schnitzlein D, Lemola S (2022)
Development and Psychopathology: PII S0954579422001201.
| E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Bilgin, Ayten;
Wolke, Dieter;
Trower, Hayley;
Baumann, Nicole;
Raikkonen, Katri;
Heinonen, Kati;
Kajantie, Eero;
Schnitzlein, Daniel;
Lemola, SakariUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The aim of the current study was to examine whether self-control skills in childhood moderate the association between very preterm birth (<32 weeks of gestational age) and emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescence. We used data from four prospective cohort studies, which included 29,378 participants in total (N = 645 very preterm; N = 28,733 full-term). Self-control was mother-reported in childhood at 5-11 years whereas emotional problems and peer victimization were both self- and mother-reported at 12-17 years of age. Findings of individual participant data meta-analysis showed that self-control skills in childhood do not moderate the association between very preterm birth and adolescence emotional problems and peer victimization. It was shown that higher self-control skills in childhood predict lower emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescence similarly in very preterm and full-term borns.
Development and Psychopathology
PII S0954579422001201
Page URI
Bilgin A, Wolke D, Trower H, et al. Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood. Development and Psychopathology. 2022: PII S0954579422001201.
Bilgin, A., Wolke, D., Trower, H., Baumann, N., Raikkonen, K., Heinonen, K., Kajantie, E., et al. (2022). Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood. Development and Psychopathology, PII S0954579422001201. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579422001201
Bilgin, Ayten, Wolke, Dieter, Trower, Hayley, Baumann, Nicole, Raikkonen, Katri, Heinonen, Kati, Kajantie, Eero, Schnitzlein, Daniel, and Lemola, Sakari. 2022. “Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood”. Development and Psychopathology: PII S0954579422001201.
Bilgin, A., Wolke, D., Trower, H., Baumann, N., Raikkonen, K., Heinonen, K., Kajantie, E., Schnitzlein, D., and Lemola, S. (2022). Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood. Development and Psychopathology:PII S0954579422001201.
Bilgin, A., et al., 2022. Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood. Development and Psychopathology, : PII S0954579422001201.
A. Bilgin, et al., “Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood”, Development and Psychopathology, 2022, : PII S0954579422001201.
Bilgin, A., Wolke, D., Trower, H., Baumann, N., Raikkonen, K., Heinonen, K., Kajantie, E., Schnitzlein, D., Lemola, S.: Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood. Development and Psychopathology. : PII S0954579422001201 (2022).
Bilgin, Ayten, Wolke, Dieter, Trower, Hayley, Baumann, Nicole, Raikkonen, Katri, Heinonen, Kati, Kajantie, Eero, Schnitzlein, Daniel, and Lemola, Sakari. “Emotional problems and peer victimization in adolescents born very preterm and full-term: Role of self-control skills in childhood”. Development and Psychopathology (2022): PII S0954579422001201.
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