Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany

Stölzl D, Abraham S, Haufe E, Harder I, Heratizadeh A, Kleinheinz A, Weisshaar E, Wollenberg A, Zink A, Radtke M, Gerlach B, et al. (2019)
Experimental Dermatology 28(3): P088.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Stölzl, D.; Abraham, S.; Haufe, E.; Harder, I.; Heratizadeh, A.; Kleinheinz, A.; Weisshaar, E.; Wollenberg, A.; Zink, A.; Radtke, M.; Gerlach, B.; Hilgers, M.
Serien- oder Zeitschriftentitel
Experimental Dermatology
46th Annual Meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft-Dermatologische-Forschung (ADF)
2019-03-13 – 2019-03-16
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Stölzl D, Abraham S, Haufe E, et al. Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany. Experimental Dermatology. 2019;28(3): P088.
Stölzl, D., Abraham, S., Haufe, E., Harder, I., Heratizadeh, A., Kleinheinz, A., Weisshaar, E., et al. (2019). Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany. Experimental Dermatology, 28(3), P088
Stölzl, D., Abraham, S., Haufe, E., Harder, I., Heratizadeh, A., Kleinheinz, A., Weisshaar, E., et al. 2019. “Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany”, Experimental Dermatology, 28 (3): P088.
Stölzl, D., Abraham, S., Haufe, E., Harder, I., Heratizadeh, A., Kleinheinz, A., Weisshaar, E., Wollenberg, A., Zink, A., Radtke, M., et al. (2019). Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany. Experimental Dermatology 28:P088.
Stölzl, D., et al., 2019. Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany. Experimental Dermatology, 28(3): P088.
D. Stölzl, et al., “Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany”, Experimental Dermatology, vol. 28, 2019, : P088.
Stölzl, D., Abraham, S., Haufe, E., Harder, I., Heratizadeh, A., Kleinheinz, A., Weisshaar, E., Wollenberg, A., Zink, A., Radtke, M., Gerlach, B., Hilgers, M., Worm, M., von Kiedrowski, R., Wiemers, F., Staubach-Renz, P., Pawlak, M., Bell, M., Schäkel, K., Fell, I., Handrick, C., Asmussen, A., Bieber, T., Neubert, K., Homey, B., Schwarz, B., Effendy, I., Beissert, S., Werfel, T., Schmitt, J., Weidinger, S.: Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany. Experimental Dermatology. 28, : P088 (2019).
Stölzl, D., Abraham, S., Haufe, E., Harder, I., Heratizadeh, A., Kleinheinz, A., Weisshaar, E., Wollenberg, A., Zink, A., Radtke, M., Gerlach, B., Hilgers, M., Worm, M., von Kiedrowski, R., Wiemers, F., Staubach-Renz, P., Pawlak, M., Bell, M., Schäkel, K., Fell, I., Handrick, C., Asmussen, A., Bieber, T., Neubert, K., Homey, B., Schwarz, B., Effendy, Isaak, Beissert, S., Werfel, T., Schmitt, J., and Weidinger, S. “Treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) after the approval of the first biologic agent: results from the german national registry TREATgermany”. Experimental Dermatology 28.3 (2019): P088.

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