On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded
Diening L, Karlovych O, Shargorodsky E (2023)
Georgian Mathematical Journal.
| E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Diening, LarsUniBi
Karlovych, Oleksiy;
Shargorodsky, Eugene

Abstract / Bemerkung
We show that the necessity part of the main result of [L. Diening, O. Karlovych and E. Shargorodsky,
On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded, Georgian Math. J. 29 2022, 3, 347–352] can be derived easily from its predecessor [2, Theorem 4.1]
and its sufficiency part.
Georgian Mathematical Journal
Page URI
Diening L, Karlovych O, Shargorodsky E. On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded. Georgian Mathematical Journal. 2023.
Diening, L., Karlovych, O., & Shargorodsky, E. (2023). On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded. Georgian Mathematical Journal. https://doi.org/10.1515/gmj-2023-2002
Diening, Lars, Karlovych, Oleksiy, and Shargorodsky, Eugene. 2023. “On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded”. Georgian Mathematical Journal.
Diening, L., Karlovych, O., and Shargorodsky, E. (2023). On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded. Georgian Mathematical Journal.
Diening, L., Karlovych, O., & Shargorodsky, E., 2023. On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded. Georgian Mathematical Journal.
L. Diening, O. Karlovych, and E. Shargorodsky, “On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded”, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2023.
Diening, L., Karlovych, O., Shargorodsky, E.: On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded. Georgian Mathematical Journal. (2023).
Diening, Lars, Karlovych, Oleksiy, and Shargorodsky, Eugene. “On interpolation of reflexive variable Lebesgue spaces on which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded”. Georgian Mathematical Journal (2023).
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