Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions

Eisenhut M, Bauwe H, Hagemann M (2007)
FEMS Microbiology Letters 277(2): 232-237.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Eisenhut, MarionUniBi ; Bauwe, Hermann; Hagemann, Martin
Abstract / Bemerkung
The observation that accumulation of the amino acid glycine is associated with strong growth inhibition or even death in cyanobacteria, plants and humans led to the hypothesis that glycine might act toxically if a certain threshold is exceeded. In this report, it is shown that Synechocystis PCC 6803 wild-type cells could sustain higher glycine addition than mutants impaired in enzymes using glycine such as the T-protein of the glycine decarboxylase complex or PurT involved in purine biosynthesis. A mutant defective in the glycine uptake system was barely influenced by external glycine. This shows that the intracellular level of accumulated glycine is critical. The toxic effect could be alleviated by addition of MgCl2, suggesting that glycine might be toxic by reducing intracellular Mg2+ ions, which are essential for many vital processes.
FEMS Microbiology Letters
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Eisenhut M, Bauwe H, Hagemann M. Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2007;277(2):232-237.
Eisenhut, M., Bauwe, H., & Hagemann, M. (2007). Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 277(2), 232-237.
Eisenhut, Marion, Bauwe, Hermann, and Hagemann, Martin. 2007. “Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions”. FEMS Microbiology Letters 277 (2): 232-237.
Eisenhut, M., Bauwe, H., and Hagemann, M. (2007). Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions. FEMS Microbiology Letters 277, 232-237.
Eisenhut, M., Bauwe, H., & Hagemann, M., 2007. Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 277(2), p 232-237.
M. Eisenhut, H. Bauwe, and M. Hagemann, “Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions”, FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. 277, 2007, pp. 232-237.
Eisenhut, M., Bauwe, H., Hagemann, M.: Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 277, 232-237 (2007).
Eisenhut, Marion, Bauwe, Hermann, and Hagemann, Martin. “Glycine accumulation is toxic for the cyanobacterium sp. strain PCC 6803, but can be compensated by supplementation with magnesium ions”. FEMS Microbiology Letters 277.2 (2007): 232-237.

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