Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse

Sandmeyer A, Wang L, Hübner W, Müller M, Chen BK, Huser T (2022)
iScience 25(11): 105468.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The availability of cost-effective, highly portable, and easy to use high-resolution live-cell imaging systems could present a significant technological break-through in challenging environments, such as high-level biosafety laboratories or sites where new viral outbreaks are suspected. We describe and demonstrate a cost-effective high-speed fluorescence microscope enabling the live tracking of virus particles across virological synapses that form between infected and uninfected T cells. The dynamics of HIV-1 proteins studied at the cellular level and the formation of virological synapses in living T cells reveals mechanisms by which cell-cell interactions facilitate infection between immune cells. Dual-color 3D fluorescence deconvolution microscopy of HIV-1 particles at frames rates of 100 frames per second allows us to follow the transfer of HIV-1 particles across the T cell virological synapse between living T cells. We also confirm the successful transfer of virus by imaging T cell samples fixed at specific time points during cell-cell virus transfer by super-resolution structured illumination microscopy.
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Sandmeyer A, Wang L, Hübner W, Müller M, Chen BK, Huser T. Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse. iScience. 2022;25(11): 105468.
Sandmeyer, A., Wang, L., Hübner, W., Müller, M., Chen, B. K., & Huser, T. (2022). Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse. iScience, 25(11), 105468.
Sandmeyer, Alice, Wang, Lili, Hübner, Wolfgang, Müller, Marcel, Chen, Benjamin K., and Huser, Thomas. 2022. “Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse”. iScience 25 (11): 105468.
Sandmeyer, A., Wang, L., Hübner, W., Müller, M., Chen, B. K., and Huser, T. (2022). Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse. iScience 25:105468.
Sandmeyer, A., et al., 2022. Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse. iScience, 25(11): 105468.
A. Sandmeyer, et al., “Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse”, iScience, vol. 25, 2022, : 105468.
Sandmeyer, A., Wang, L., Hübner, W., Müller, M., Chen, B.K., Huser, T.: Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse. iScience. 25, : 105468 (2022).
Sandmeyer, Alice, Wang, Lili, Hübner, Wolfgang, Müller, Marcel, Chen, Benjamin K., and Huser, Thomas. “Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse”. iScience 25.11 (2022): 105468.

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