The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach

Dallmeyer S, Wicker P, Breuer C (2023)
Journal of Occupational Health 65(1): e12382.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 353.75 KB
Dallmeyer, S.; Wicker, PamelaUniBi; Breuer, C.
Abstract / Bemerkung
Objective Previous research has documented a positive effect of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) on life satisfaction. The relationship between physical activity and the specific domain of job satisfaction is, however, relatively unknown. This study aims to investigate the effects of different frequency levels of LTPA on self-reported job satisfaction and specifically focuses on the two mechanisms of health and recovery from work stress. Methods Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (2001-2019), fixed effects and dynamic panel data regression models are estimated to address the problems of unobserved heterogeneity and reverse causality. A mediation and sub-sample analysis shed light on the role of health and work stress. Results The results reveal that weekly LTPA has a positive effect on job satisfaction and that health represents a channel yielding those benefits. The effect appears to be moderated by work stress. Further, the analysis reveals the importance of considering unobserved heterogeneity and reverse causality when studying this relationship. Conclusion The findings indicate a positive relationship between regular LTPA and job satisfaction and add plausible causal evidence to the limited literature in this context. The findings yield implications for employers and employees.
dynamic panel estimator; job satisfaction; physical activity; public health
Journal of Occupational Health
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Dallmeyer S, Wicker P, Breuer C. The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach. Journal of Occupational Health. 2023;65(1): e12382.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2023). The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach. Journal of Occupational Health, 65(1), e12382.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, Pamela, and Breuer, C. 2023. “The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach”. Journal of Occupational Health 65 (1): e12382.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., and Breuer, C. (2023). The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach. Journal of Occupational Health 65:e12382.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C., 2023. The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach. Journal of Occupational Health, 65(1): e12382.
S. Dallmeyer, P. Wicker, and C. Breuer, “The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach”, Journal of Occupational Health, vol. 65, 2023, : e12382.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., Breuer, C.: The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach. Journal of Occupational Health. 65, : e12382 (2023).
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, Pamela, and Breuer, C. “The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach”. Journal of Occupational Health 65.1 (2023): e12382.
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