Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units
Hung T-Y, Kuck D, Chow H-F (2022)
Chemistry - A European Journal 29(18).
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Hung, Tsz-Yu;
Kuck, DietmarUniBi;
Chow, Hak-Fun
Abstract / Bemerkung
Two pi-extended bay-bridged tribenzotriquinacenes ("TBTQ wizard hats") 12 and 16 bearing three mutually conjugated, alternating veratrole-type and ortho-benzoquinone units were synthesized. The electronic properties of these complementarily arranged, nonplanar push-pull systems are affected by the fusion with the rigid, C3-symmetric TBTQ core to a different extent, as revealed by X-ray structural analysis, UV-vis spectroscopy and cyclovoltammetry. The combination of three quinone units within the original TBTQ core and three veratrole-type bay bridging units in 12 gives rise to a more efficiently pi-conjugated chromophore, as reflected by the shallower shape of wizard hat and its absorption in the visible up to 750 nm in comparison to 16. Congener 12 contains an aromatic 18-pi electron system in contrast to the cross-conjugated analog 16. X-ray structure analysis of the precursor dodecaether 15 revealed the formation of a cage-like supramolecular dimer, in which the peripheral dioxane-type ether groups interlace by twelve noncovalent C-H..O bonds. © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
Chemistry - A European Journal
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Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
Page URI
Hung T-Y, Kuck D, Chow H-F. Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units. Chemistry - A European Journal . 2022;29(18).
Hung, T. - Y., Kuck, D., & Chow, H. - F. (2022). Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units. Chemistry - A European Journal , 29(18).
Hung, Tsz-Yu, Kuck, Dietmar, and Chow, Hak-Fun. 2022. “Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units”. Chemistry - A European Journal 29 (18).
Hung, T. - Y., Kuck, D., and Chow, H. - F. (2022). Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units. Chemistry - A European Journal 29.
Hung, T.-Y., Kuck, D., & Chow, H.-F., 2022. Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units. Chemistry - A European Journal , 29(18).
T.-Y. Hung, D. Kuck, and H.-F. Chow, “Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units”, Chemistry - A European Journal , vol. 29, 2022.
Hung, T.-Y., Kuck, D., Chow, H.-F.: Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units. Chemistry - A European Journal . 29, (2022).
Hung, Tsz-Yu, Kuck, Dietmar, and Chow, Hak-Fun. “Donor-Acceptor Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Molecular Wizard Hats Bearing Three ortho-Benzoquinone Units”. Chemistry - A European Journal 29.18 (2022).
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