State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany
Jansen G, Kappelhoff N, Flake F, Borgstedt R, Rehberg S, Scholz SS, Thies K-C (2022)
Die Anaesthesiologie.
| E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Jansen, GerritUniBi;
Kappelhoff, Nils;
Flake, Frank;
Borgstedt, RainerUniBi;
Rehberg, SebastianUniBi;
Scholz, Sean SelimUniBi;
Thies, Karl-ChristianUniBi 

Alternativer Titel
Stand der Umsetzung der Corona-Virus-Disease-2019-Reanimationsleitlinien : Eine onlinebasierte Umfrage ein Jahr nach Veröffentlichung in Deutschland
Die Anaesthesiologie
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Jansen G, Kappelhoff N, Flake F, et al. State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany. Die Anaesthesiologie. 2022.
Jansen, G., Kappelhoff, N., Flake, F., Borgstedt, R., Rehberg, S., Scholz, S. S., & Thies, K. - C. (2022). State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany. Die Anaesthesiologie.
Jansen, Gerrit, Kappelhoff, Nils, Flake, Frank, Borgstedt, Rainer, Rehberg, Sebastian, Scholz, Sean Selim, and Thies, Karl-Christian. 2022. “State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany”. Die Anaesthesiologie.
Jansen, G., Kappelhoff, N., Flake, F., Borgstedt, R., Rehberg, S., Scholz, S. S., and Thies, K. - C. (2022). State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany. Die Anaesthesiologie.
Jansen, G., et al., 2022. State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany. Die Anaesthesiologie.
G. Jansen, et al., “State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany”, Die Anaesthesiologie, 2022.
Jansen, G., Kappelhoff, N., Flake, F., Borgstedt, R., Rehberg, S., Scholz, S.S., Thies, K.-C.: State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany. Die Anaesthesiologie. (2022).
Jansen, Gerrit, Kappelhoff, Nils, Flake, Frank, Borgstedt, Rainer, Rehberg, Sebastian, Scholz, Sean Selim, and Thies, Karl-Christian. “State of implementation of the Corona-Virus-Disease-2019 resuscitation guidelines : An online-based survey one year after publication in Germany”. Die Anaesthesiologie (2022).
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