Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes

Dementyev P, Khayya E-N, Zanders D, Ennen I, Devi A, Altman EI (2022)
Small 19(9): e2205602.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 2.80 MB
Dementyev, PetrUniBi; Khayya, En-NeitaUniBi; Zanders, David; Ennen, IngaUniBi; Devi, Anjana; Altman, Eric I
Abstract / Bemerkung
2D membranes such as artificially perforated graphene are deemed to bring great advantages for molecular separation. However, there is a lack of structure-property correlations in graphene membranes as neither the atomic configurations nor the number of introduced sub-nanometer defects are known precisely. Recently, bilayer silica has emerged as an inherent 2D membrane with an unprecedentedly high areal density of well-defined pores. Mass transfer experiments with free-standing SiO2 bilayers demonstrated a strong preference for condensable fluids over inert species, and the measured membrane selectivity revealed a key role of intermolecular forces in angstrom-scale openings. In this study, vapor permeation measurements are combined with quantitative adsorption experiments and density functional theory (DFT) calculations to get insights into the mechanism of surface-mediated transport in vitreous 2D silicon dioxide. The membranes are shown to exhibit molecular sieving performance when exposed to vaporous methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and tert-butanol. The results are normalized to the coverage of physisorbed molecules and agree well with the calculated energy barriers. © 2022 The Authors. Small published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.
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Dementyev P, Khayya E-N, Zanders D, Ennen I, Devi A, Altman EI. Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes. Small . 2022;19(9): e2205602.
Dementyev, P., Khayya, E. - N., Zanders, D., Ennen, I., Devi, A., & Altman, E. I. (2022). Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes. Small , 19(9), e2205602.
Dementyev, Petr, Khayya, En-Neita, Zanders, David, Ennen, Inga, Devi, Anjana, and Altman, Eric I. 2022. “Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes”. Small 19 (9): e2205602.
Dementyev, P., Khayya, E. - N., Zanders, D., Ennen, I., Devi, A., and Altman, E. I. (2022). Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes. Small 19:e2205602.
Dementyev, P., et al., 2022. Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes. Small , 19(9): e2205602.
P. Dementyev, et al., “Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes”, Small , vol. 19, 2022, : e2205602.
Dementyev, P., Khayya, E.-N., Zanders, D., Ennen, I., Devi, A., Altman, E.I.: Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes. Small . 19, : e2205602 (2022).
Dementyev, Petr, Khayya, En-Neita, Zanders, David, Ennen, Inga, Devi, Anjana, and Altman, Eric I. “Size and Shape Exclusion in 2D Silicon Dioxide Membranes”. Small 19.9 (2022): e2205602.
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