Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene
Otlyotov A, Kurochkin IY, Minenkov Y, Trapp P, Lamm J-H, Girichev GV, Mitzel NW (2022)
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
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Otlyotov, Arseniy;
Kurochkin, Ivan Yu.;
Minenkov, Yury;
Trapp, PiaUniBi;
Lamm, Jan-HendrikUniBi
Girichev, Georgiy V.;
Mitzel, Norbert W.UniBi

Abstract / Bemerkung
Semi-experimental gas-phase structures of anthracene and rubrene (5,6,11,12-tetraphenyltetracene) were determined by means of gas electron diffraction (GED). The use of the flexible restraints in the refinement of the GED data successfully resolves non-equivalent C–C bond lengths. The tetracene core of an isolated rubrene molecule was found to exhibit twist distortion of about 18°; this is less than DFT calculations predict (30–40°). The modified Feller-Peterson-Dixon method in conjunction with high-level DLPNO-CCSD(T) calculations was employed to resolve the discrepancy between the available experimental gas-phase enthalpies of formation for rubrene. The theoretical value of ΔfHmo(g, 298 K) = 759.4 ± 5.9 kJ mol−1 meets its recent experimental counterpart (765.6 ± 8.4 kJ mol−1) and is in strong disagreement with the previous estimation (882 kJ mol−1).
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Page URI
Otlyotov A, Kurochkin IY, Minenkov Y, et al. Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2022.
Otlyotov, A., Kurochkin, I. Y., Minenkov, Y., Trapp, P., Lamm, J. - H., Girichev, G. V., & Mitzel, N. W. (2022). Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Otlyotov, Arseniy, Kurochkin, Ivan Yu., Minenkov, Yury, Trapp, Pia, Lamm, Jan-Hendrik, Girichev, Georgiy V., and Mitzel, Norbert W. 2022. “Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Otlyotov, A., Kurochkin, I. Y., Minenkov, Y., Trapp, P., Lamm, J. - H., Girichev, G. V., and Mitzel, N. W. (2022). Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Otlyotov, A., et al., 2022. Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
A. Otlyotov, et al., “Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022.
Otlyotov, A., Kurochkin, I.Y., Minenkov, Y., Trapp, P., Lamm, J.-H., Girichev, G.V., Mitzel, N.W.: Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2022).
Otlyotov, Arseniy, Kurochkin, Ivan Yu., Minenkov, Yury, Trapp, Pia, Lamm, Jan-Hendrik, Girichev, Georgiy V., and Mitzel, Norbert W. “Gas-phase equilibrium molecular structures and ab initio thermochemistry of anthracene and rubrene”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022).
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