A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment
Baudisch J, Richter B, Jungeblut T (2022)
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz.
| E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Baudisch, Justin;
Richter, BirteUniBi
Jungeblut, Thorsten

Abstract / Bemerkung
This paper presents a framework for learning event sequences for anomaly detection in a smart home environment. It addresses environment conditions, device grouping, system performance and explainability of anomalies. Our method models user behavior as sequences of events, triggered by interaction of the home residents with the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Based on a given set of recorded event sequences, the system can learn the habitual behavior of the residents. An anomaly is described as deviation from that normal behavior, previously learned by the system. One key feature of our framework is the explainability of detected anomalies, which is implemented through a simple rule analysis.
Ambient assisted living;
Anomaly detection;
Internet of things;
Explainable AI
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz
Page URI
Baudisch J, Richter B, Jungeblut T. A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 2022.
Baudisch, J., Richter, B., & Jungeblut, T. (2022). A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-022-00775-5
Baudisch, Justin, Richter, Birte, and Jungeblut, Thorsten. 2022. “A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment”. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz.
Baudisch, J., Richter, B., and Jungeblut, T. (2022). A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz.
Baudisch, J., Richter, B., & Jungeblut, T., 2022. A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz.
J. Baudisch, B. Richter, and T. Jungeblut, “A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment”, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 2022.
Baudisch, J., Richter, B., Jungeblut, T.: A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. (2022).
Baudisch, Justin, Richter, Birte, and Jungeblut, Thorsten. “A Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment”. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz (2022).
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
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Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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PMID: 36338828
PubMed | Europe PMC
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