Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions

Schonard C, Heed T, Seegelke C (2022)
eneuro: ENEURO.0313-22.2022.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Visuospatial attention is a prerequisite for the performance of visually guided movements: Perceptual discrimination is regularly enhanced at target locations prior to movement initiation. It is known that this attentional prioritization evolves over the time of movement preparation; however, it is not clear whether this build-up simply reflects a time requirement of attention formation or whether, instead, attention build-up reflects the emergence of the movement decision. To address this question, we combined behavioral experiments, psychophysics, and computational decision-making models to characterize the time course of attention build-up during motor preparation. Participants (n = 46, 29 female) executed center-out reaches to one of two potential target locations and reported the identity of a visual discrimination target that occurred concurrently at one of various time-points during movement preparation and execution. Visual discrimination increased simultaneously at the two potential target locations but was modulated by the experiment-wide probability that a given location would become the final goal. Attention increased further for the location that was then designated as the final goal location, with a time course closely related to movement initiation. A sequential sampling model of decision-making faithfully predicted key temporal characteristics of attentional allocation. Together, these findings provide evidence that visuospatial attentional prioritization during motor preparation does not simply reflect that a spatial location has been selected as movement goal, but rather indexes the time-extended, cumulative decision that leads to the selection, hence constituting a link between perceptual and motor aspects of sensorimotor decisions.
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Schonard C, Heed T, Seegelke C. Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions. eneuro. 2022: ENEURO.0313-22.2022.
Schonard, C., Heed, T., & Seegelke, C. (2022). Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions. eneuro, ENEURO.0313-22.2022.
Schonard, Carolin, Heed, Tobias, and Seegelke, Christian. 2022. “Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions”. eneuro: ENEURO.0313-22.2022.
Schonard, C., Heed, T., and Seegelke, C. (2022). Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions. eneuro:ENEURO.0313-22.2022.
Schonard, C., Heed, T., & Seegelke, C., 2022. Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions. eneuro, : ENEURO.0313-22.2022.
C. Schonard, T. Heed, and C. Seegelke, “Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions”, eneuro, 2022, : ENEURO.0313-22.2022.
Schonard, C., Heed, T., Seegelke, C.: Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions. eneuro. : ENEURO.0313-22.2022 (2022).
Schonard, Carolin, Heed, Tobias, and Seegelke, Christian. “Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions”. eneuro (2022): ENEURO.0313-22.2022.

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