Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study
Hachenberger J, Li Y-M, Lemola S (2022)
Journal of Sleep Research 32(2): e13723.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
This study aims to investigate the temporal links between physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing in young adults. In particular, the aim was to examine whether physical activity is associated with sleep indicators in subsequent nights and, in turn, whether sleep was associated with improved affective wellbeing the next morning. Relatedly, moderation by baseline levels of depressive symptoms, sleep quality, habitual physical activity and gender was analysed. One-hundred and forty-seven individuals (85.7% female) aged 18-25years old participated in an experience sampling study over 14 consecutive days. Participants received seven prompts per day, and answered questions about their physical activity and affective states. Every morning, participants also reported their sleep. Physical activity throughout the day was not related to sleep during the following night or to affective wellbeing the next morning. An exception to that pattern was that physical activity before 14:00 hours was associated with longer subsequent sleep duration. Better subjective sleep quality predicted affective wellbeing the next morning. Associations of physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing were not moderated by baseline depressive symptoms, sleep quality or habitual physical activity. However, investigation of gender as a moderator revealed that moderate physical activity was associated with better subsequent sleep quality for males, but not for females. Overall, we found that physical activity is associated with better subsequent sleep for males, but not for females. Also, our study provides further evidence that better sleep quality is associated with the next morning's affective wellbeing. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Sleep Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Sleep Research Society.
experience sampling;
International Physical Activity Questionnaire;
multilevel models;
PatientHealth Questionnaire-9;
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
Journal of Sleep Research
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Hachenberger J, Li Y-M, Lemola S. Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study. Journal of Sleep Research. 2022;32(2): e13723.
Hachenberger, J., Li, Y. - M., & Lemola, S. (2022). Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study. Journal of Sleep Research, 32(2), e13723.
Hachenberger, Justin, Li, Yu-Mei, and Lemola, Sakari. 2022. “Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study”. Journal of Sleep Research 32 (2): e13723.
Hachenberger, J., Li, Y. - M., and Lemola, S. (2022). Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study. Journal of Sleep Research 32:e13723.
Hachenberger, J., Li, Y.-M., & Lemola, S., 2022. Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study. Journal of Sleep Research, 32(2): e13723.
J. Hachenberger, Y.-M. Li, and S. Lemola, “Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study”, Journal of Sleep Research, vol. 32, 2022, : e13723.
Hachenberger, J., Li, Y.-M., Lemola, S.: Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study. Journal of Sleep Research. 32, : e13723 (2022).
Hachenberger, Justin, Li, Yu-Mei, and Lemola, Sakari. “Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study”. Journal of Sleep Research 32.2 (2022): e13723.
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