Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins

Beehner JC, Alfaro J, Allen C, Benitez ME, Bergman TJ, Buehler MS, Carrera SC, Chester EM, Deschner T, Fuentes A, Gault CM, et al. (2022)
General and Comparative Endocrinology 329: 114109.

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Beehner, Jacinta C; Alfaro, Jose; Allen, Cloe; Benitez, Marcela E; Bergman, Thore J; Buehler, Margaret S; Carrera, Sofia C; Chester, Emily M; Deschner, Tobias; Fuentes, Alexander; Gault, Colleen M; Godoy, IreneUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Hormone laboratories located "on-site" where field studies are being conducted have a number of advantages. On-site laboratories allow hormone analyses to proceed in near-real-time, minimize logistics of sample permits/shipping, contribute to in-country capacity-building, and (our focus here) facilitate cross-site collaboration through shared methods and a shared laboratory. Here we provide proof-of-concept that an on-site hormone laboratory (the Taboga Field Laboratory, located in the Taboga Forest Reserve, Costa Rica) can successfully run endocrine analyses in a remote location. Using fecal samples from wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus imitator) from three Costa Rican forests, we validate the extraction and analysis of four steroid hormones (glucocorticoids, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone) across six assays (DetectX and ISWE, all from Arbor Assays). Additionally, as the first collaboration across three long-term, wild capuchin field sites (Lomas Barbudal, Santa Rosa, Taboga) involving local Costa Rican collaborators, this laboratory can serve as a future hub for collaborative exchange. Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
General and Comparative Endocrinology
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Beehner JC, Alfaro J, Allen C, et al. Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins. General and Comparative Endocrinology . 2022;329: 114109.
Beehner, J. C., Alfaro, J., Allen, C., Benitez, M. E., Bergman, T. J., Buehler, M. S., Carrera, S. C., et al. (2022). Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins. General and Comparative Endocrinology , 329, 114109.
Beehner, Jacinta C, Alfaro, Jose, Allen, Cloe, Benitez, Marcela E, Bergman, Thore J, Buehler, Margaret S, Carrera, Sofia C, et al. 2022. “Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins”. General and Comparative Endocrinology 329: 114109.
Beehner, J. C., Alfaro, J., Allen, C., Benitez, M. E., Bergman, T. J., Buehler, M. S., Carrera, S. C., Chester, E. M., Deschner, T., Fuentes, A., et al. (2022). Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins. General and Comparative Endocrinology 329:114109.
Beehner, J.C., et al., 2022. Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins. General and Comparative Endocrinology , 329: 114109.
J.C. Beehner, et al., “Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins”, General and Comparative Endocrinology , vol. 329, 2022, : 114109.
Beehner, J.C., Alfaro, J., Allen, C., Benitez, M.E., Bergman, T.J., Buehler, M.S., Carrera, S.C., Chester, E.M., Deschner, T., Fuentes, A., Gault, C.M., Godoy, I., Jack, K.M., Kim, J.D., Kolinski, L., Kulick, N.K., Losch, T., Ordonez, J.C., Perry, S.E., Pinto, F., Reilly, O.T., Johnson, E.T., Wasserman, M.D.: Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins. General and Comparative Endocrinology . 329, : 114109 (2022).
Beehner, Jacinta C, Alfaro, Jose, Allen, Cloe, Benitez, Marcela E, Bergman, Thore J, Buehler, Margaret S, Carrera, Sofia C, Chester, Emily M, Deschner, Tobias, Fuentes, Alexander, Gault, Colleen M, Godoy, Irene, Jack, Katharine M, Kim, Justin D, Kolinski, Lev, Kulick, Nelle K, Losch, Teera, Ordonez, Juan Carlos, Perry, Susan E, Pinto, Fernando, Reilly, Olivia T, Johnson, Elizabeth Tinsley, and Wasserman, Michael D. “Using an on-site laboratory for fecal steroid analysis in wild white-faced capuchins”. General and Comparative Endocrinology 329 (2022): 114109.

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