Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey

Acar YG, Sandal-Önal E (In Press)
In: Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey. Çakal H, Husnu S (Eds); London: Routledge.

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Acar, Yasemin Gülsüm; Sandal-Önal, ElifUniBi
Çakal, Hüseyin; Husnu, Shenel
Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey
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Acar YG, Sandal-Önal E. Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey. In: Çakal H, Husnu S, eds. Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey. London: Routledge; In Press.
Acar, Y. G., & Sandal-Önal, E. (In Press). Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey. In H. Çakal & S. Husnu (Eds.), Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey London: Routledge.
Acar, Yasemin Gülsüm, and Sandal-Önal, Elif. In Press. “Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey”. In Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey, ed. Hüseyin Çakal and Shenel Husnu. London: Routledge.
Acar, Y. G., and Sandal-Önal, E. (In Press). “Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey” in Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey, Çakal, H., and Husnu, S. eds. (London: Routledge).
Acar, Y.G., & Sandal-Önal, E., In Press. Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey. In H. Çakal & S. Husnu, eds. Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey. London: Routledge.
Y.G. Acar and E. Sandal-Önal, “Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey”, Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey, H. Çakal and S. Husnu, eds., London: Routledge, In Press.
Acar, Y.G., Sandal-Önal, E.: Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey. In: Çakal, H. and Husnu, S. (eds.) Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey. Routledge, London (In Press).
Acar, Yasemin Gülsüm, and Sandal-Önal, Elif. “Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey”. Examining Complex Intergroup Relations. Through the Lens of Turkey. Ed. Hüseyin Çakal and Shenel Husnu. London: Routledge, In Press.

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