Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions

Pollmann S, Schneider WX (2022)
Handbook of Clinical Neurology 187: 339-359.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Pollmann, Stefan; Schneider, Werner X.UniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Working memory (WM) refers to the ability to maintain and actively process information-either derived from perception or long-term memory (LTM)-for intelligent thought and action. This chapter focuses on the contributions of the temporal lobe, particularly medial temporal lobe (MTL) to WM. First, neuropsychological evidence for the involvement of MTL in WM maintenance is reviewed, arguing for a crucial role in the case of retaining complex relational bindings between memorized features. Next, MTL contributions at the level of neural mechanisms are covered-with a focus on WM encoding and maintenance, including interactions with ventral temporal cortex. Among WM use processes, we focus on active sampling of environmental information, a key input source to capacity-limited WM. MTL contributions to the bidirectional relationship between active sampling and memory are highlighted-WM control of active sampling and sampling as a way of selecting input to WM. Memory-based sampling studies relying on scene and object inspection, visual-based exploration behavior (e.g., vicarious behavior), and memory-guided visual search are reviewed. The conclusion is that MTL serves an important function in the selection of information from perception and transfer from LTM to capacity-limited WM. Copyright © 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Handbook of Clinical Neurology
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Pollmann S, Schneider WX. Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 2022;187:339-359.
Pollmann, S., & Schneider, W. X. (2022). Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 187, 339-359.
Pollmann, Stefan, and Schneider, Werner X. 2022. “Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions”. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 187: 339-359.
Pollmann, S., and Schneider, W. X. (2022). Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 187, 339-359.
Pollmann, S., & Schneider, W.X., 2022. Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 187, p 339-359.
S. Pollmann and W.X. Schneider, “Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions”, Handbook of Clinical Neurology, vol. 187, 2022, pp. 339-359.
Pollmann, S., Schneider, W.X.: Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 187, 339-359 (2022).
Pollmann, Stefan, and Schneider, Werner X. “Working memory and active sampling of the environment: Medial temporal contributions”. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 187 (2022): 339-359.

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