Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ

Böhm M, Metze D, Schulte U, Becher E, Luger TA, Brzoska T (1999)
Experimental Dermatology 8(6): 453-461.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Böhm, M.; Metze, D.; Schulte, U.; Becher, EvaUniBi ; Luger, T. A.; Brzoska, T.
Abstract / Bemerkung
The proopiomelanocortin (POMC) products α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) bind to specific receptors known as the melanocortin (MC) receptors. There is increasing evidence that the MC receptor subtype 1 (MC-1R) is expressed in vitro by several other cutaneous cell types besides melanocytes and keratinocytes. Our knowledge on the MC-1R expression in skin, however, remains fragmentary. In order to examine the expression of MC-1R in human skin cells in vitro and in situ, we made use of a recently described antibody directed against the amino acids 2-18 of the human MC-1R. Flow cytometry analysis revealed the highest MC-1R antigenicity in normal melanocytes and keratinocytes, followed by dermal fibroblasts, microvacualar endothelial cells and WM 35 melanoma cells. Little or no expression was detected in KB carcinoma cells and Fs4 fibroblasts. In normal human skin, immunoreactivity for the anti-MC-1R antibody was detected in hair follicle epithelia, sebocytes, secretory and ductal epithelia of weat glands, and periadnexal mesenchymal cells. Interfollicular epidermis was largely unreactive in adult skin as opposed to undifferentiated kertinocytes of fetal skin. Our findings form a framework within which MC-1 receptor expression can be studied in various skin diseases.
Experimental Dermatology
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Böhm M, Metze D, Schulte U, Becher E, Luger TA, Brzoska T. Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ. Experimental Dermatology. 1999;8(6):453-461.
Böhm, M., Metze, D., Schulte, U., Becher, E., Luger, T. A., & Brzoska, T. (1999). Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ. Experimental Dermatology, 8(6), 453-461.
Böhm, M., Metze, D., Schulte, U., Becher, Eva, Luger, T. A., and Brzoska, T. 1999. “Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ”. Experimental Dermatology 8 (6): 453-461.
Böhm, M., Metze, D., Schulte, U., Becher, E., Luger, T. A., and Brzoska, T. (1999). Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ. Experimental Dermatology 8, 453-461.
Böhm, M., et al., 1999. Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ. Experimental Dermatology, 8(6), p 453-461.
M. Böhm, et al., “Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ”, Experimental Dermatology, vol. 8, 1999, pp. 453-461.
Böhm, M., Metze, D., Schulte, U., Becher, E., Luger, T.A., Brzoska, T.: Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ. Experimental Dermatology. 8, 453-461 (1999).
Böhm, M., Metze, D., Schulte, U., Becher, Eva, Luger, T. A., and Brzoska, T. “Detection of melanocortin-1 receptor antigenicity on human skin cells in culture and in situ”. Experimental Dermatology 8.6 (1999): 453-461.

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