A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination

Holtkamp P, Schwabedissen J, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Koptyug IV, Zhivonitko VV, Mitzel NW (2020)
Chemistry – A European Journal 26(72): 17381-17385.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 28.65 KB
Abstract / Bemerkung
The reactivity of the frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) (F5C2)3Sn-CH2-P(tBu)2(1) was investigated with respect to the activation of elemental hydrogen. The reaction of 1 at elevated hydrogen pressure afforded the intramolecular phos-pho-nium stannate(II) (F5C2)2Sn-CH2-PH(tBu)2 (3). It was cha-rac-terised by means of multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. NMR experiments with the two isotopologues H2 and D2 showed it to be formed via an H2 adduct (F5C2)3(H)Sn-CH2-PH(tBu)2 (2) and the sub-sequent formal reductive elimination of penta-fluoroethane; this is supported by DFT calculations. Parahydrogen-induced polari-zation experiments revea-led the formation of a second product of the reaction of 1 with H2, [HP(tBu)2Me][Sn(C2F5)3](4), in 1H NMR spectra, whereas 2 was not detected due to its transient nature. © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
Chemistry – A European Journal
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Holtkamp P, Schwabedissen J, Neumann B, et al. A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2020;26(72):17381-17385.
Holtkamp, P., Schwabedissen, J., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., Koptyug, I. V., Zhivonitko, V. V., & Mitzel, N. W. (2020). A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination. Chemistry – A European Journal, 26(72), 17381-17385. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202004425
Holtkamp, Philipp, Schwabedissen, Jan, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, Koptyug, Igor V., Zhivonitko, Vladimir V., and Mitzel, Norbert W. 2020. “A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination”. Chemistry – A European Journal 26 (72): 17381-17385.
Holtkamp, P., Schwabedissen, J., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., Koptyug, I. V., Zhivonitko, V. V., and Mitzel, N. W. (2020). A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination. Chemistry – A European Journal 26, 17381-17385.
Holtkamp, P., et al., 2020. A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination. Chemistry – A European Journal, 26(72), p 17381-17385.
P. Holtkamp, et al., “A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination”, Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 26, 2020, pp. 17381-17385.
Holtkamp, P., Schwabedissen, J., Neumann, B., Stammler, H.-G., Koptyug, I.V., Zhivonitko, V.V., Mitzel, N.W.: A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination. Chemistry – A European Journal. 26, 17381-17385 (2020).
Holtkamp, Philipp, Schwabedissen, Jan, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, Koptyug, Igor V., Zhivonitko, Vladimir V., and Mitzel, Norbert W. “A Zwitterionic Phosphonium Stannate(II) via Hydrogen Splitting by a Sn/P Frustrated Lewis‐Pair and Reductive Elimination”. Chemistry – A European Journal 26.72 (2020): 17381-17385.
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