Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals
Vendrami D, Goßmann T, Chakarov N, Paijmans A, Eyre-Walker A, Forcada J, Hoffman J (2022)
Genome Biology and Evolution 14(7): evac104.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
661.94 KB
Vendrami, DavidUniBi ;
Goßmann, ToniUniBi ;
Chakarov, NaydenUniBi;
Paijmans, AnnekeUniBi ;
Eyre-Walker, Adam;
Forcada, Jaume;
Hoffman, JosephUniBi
Centrum für Biotechnologie - CeBiTec > AG Evolutionäre Populationsgenetik
Fakultät für Biologie > Verhaltensforschung
Fakultät für Biologie > Evolutionäre Populationsgenetik
SFB/Transregio 212 „A Novel Synthesis of Individualisation across Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution: Niche Choice, Niche Conformance, Niche Construction (NC³)“
Fakultät für Biologie > Verhaltensforschung
Fakultät für Biologie > Evolutionäre Populationsgenetik
SFB/Transregio 212 „A Novel Synthesis of Individualisation across Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution: Niche Choice, Niche Conformance, Niche Construction (NC³)“
Abstract / Bemerkung
Nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes (numts) are commonplace in vertebrate genomes and have been characterized in many species. However, relatively little attention has been paid to understanding their evolutionary origins and to disentangling alternative sources of insertions. Numts containing genes with intact mitochondrial reading frames represent good candidates for this purpose. The sequences of the genes they contain can be compared with their mitochondrial homologs to characterize synonymous to nonsynonymous substitution rates, which can shed light on the selection pressures these genes have been subjected to. Here, we characterize 25 numts in the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) genome. Among those containing genes with intact mitochondrial reading frames, three carry multiple substitutions in comparison to their mitochondrial homologs. Our analyses reveal that one represents a historic insertion subjected to strong purifying selection since it colonized the Otarioidea in a genomic region enriched in retrotransposons. By contrast, the other two numts appear to be more recent and their large number of substitutions can be attributed to noncanonical insertions, either the integration of heteroplasmic mtDNA or hybridization. Our study sheds new light on the evolutionary history of pinniped numts and uncovers the presence of hidden sources of mitonuclear variation.
nuclear DNA sequences of mitochondrial origin (numts);
genome evolution;
mitochondrial DNA;
Antarctic fur seal;
Arctocephalus gazella
Genome Biology and Evolution
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Vendrami D, Goßmann T, Chakarov N, et al. Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals. Genome Biology and Evolution . 2022;14(7): evac104.
Vendrami, D., Goßmann, T., Chakarov, N., Paijmans, A., Eyre-Walker, A., Forcada, J., & Hoffman, J. (2022). Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals. Genome Biology and Evolution , 14(7), evac104.
Vendrami, David, Goßmann, Toni, Chakarov, Nayden, Paijmans, Anneke, Eyre-Walker, Adam, Forcada, Jaume, and Hoffman, Joseph. 2022. “Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals”. Genome Biology and Evolution 14 (7): evac104.
Vendrami, D., Goßmann, T., Chakarov, N., Paijmans, A., Eyre-Walker, A., Forcada, J., and Hoffman, J. (2022). Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals. Genome Biology and Evolution 14:evac104.
Vendrami, D., et al., 2022. Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals. Genome Biology and Evolution , 14(7): evac104.
D. Vendrami, et al., “Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals”, Genome Biology and Evolution , vol. 14, 2022, : evac104.
Vendrami, D., Goßmann, T., Chakarov, N., Paijmans, A., Eyre-Walker, A., Forcada, J., Hoffman, J.: Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals. Genome Biology and Evolution . 14, : evac104 (2022).
Vendrami, David, Goßmann, Toni, Chakarov, Nayden, Paijmans, Anneke, Eyre-Walker, Adam, Forcada, Jaume, and Hoffman, Joseph. “Signatures of selection on mitonuclear integrated genes uncover hidden mitogenomic variation in fur seals”. Genome Biology and Evolution 14.7 (2022): evac104.
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