Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory

Du X, Heller MP, Schlichting S, Svensson V (2022)
Physical Review D 106(1): 014016.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Du, XiaojianUniBi; Heller, Michal P.; Schlichting, SörenUniBi ; Svensson, Viktor
Abstract / Bemerkung
We use principal component analysis to study the hydrodynamic attractor in Yang-Mills kinetic theory undergoing the Bjorken expansion with color glass condensate initial conditions. The late-time hydrodynamic attractor is characterized by a single principal component determining the overall energy scale. How it is reached is governed by the disappearance of single subleading principal component characterizing deviations of the pressure anisotropy, the screening mass and the scattering rate. We find that for wide range of couplings the approach to the hydrodynamic attractor at late times is well described by an exponential. Its decay rate dependence on the coupling turns out to translate into a simple dependence on the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio.
Physical Review D
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Du X, Heller MP, Schlichting S, Svensson V. Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory. Physical Review D . 2022;106(1): 014016.
Du, X., Heller, M. P., Schlichting, S., & Svensson, V. (2022). Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory. Physical Review D , 106(1), 014016. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.106.014016
Du, Xiaojian, Heller, Michal P., Schlichting, Sören, and Svensson, Viktor. 2022. “Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory”. Physical Review D 106 (1): 014016.
Du, X., Heller, M. P., Schlichting, S., and Svensson, V. (2022). Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory. Physical Review D 106:014016.
Du, X., et al., 2022. Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory. Physical Review D , 106(1): 014016.
X. Du, et al., “Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory”, Physical Review D , vol. 106, 2022, : 014016.
Du, X., Heller, M.P., Schlichting, S., Svensson, V.: Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory. Physical Review D . 106, : 014016 (2022).
Du, Xiaojian, Heller, Michal P., Schlichting, Sören, and Svensson, Viktor. “Exponential Approach to the Hydrodynamic Attractor in Yang-Mills Kinetic Theory”. Physical Review D 106.1 (2022): 014016.

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