Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels

Friesen S, Kakorin S, Hellweg T (2022)
Polymers 14(10): 1999.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 552.82 KB
Abstract / Bemerkung
In the present article, we use an improved Flory–Rehner theory to describe the swelling behavior of copolymer microgels, where the interaction parameter is modeled by a Hill-like equation for a cooperative thermotropic transition. This description leads to very good fits of the swelling curves of the copolymer microgels at different comonomer contents (30 mol%, 50 mol% and 70 mol%) obtained by photon correlation spectroscopy. Fixed parameters, which are universally applicable for the respective monomers given in our previous work, are used to fit the swelling curves. The analysis of the swelling curves yields physically reasonable and meaningful results for the remaining adjustable parameters. The comonomer content of the statistical copolymer microgels poly(NNPAM-co-NIPAM), poly(NIPAM-co-NIPMAM) and poly(NIPMAM-co-NNPAM) is determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and is in agreement with the nominal comonomer feed used in the synthesis. To investigate the volume phase transition at a molecular level, swelling curves are also measured by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy. The obtained swelling curves are also fitted using the Hill-like model. The fits provide physically reasonable parameters too, consistent with the results from photon correlation spectroscopy.
thermoresponsive copolymer microgels; NIPAM; NNPAM; NIPMAM; Flory–Rehner theory; swelling behavior; cooperativity
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Friesen S, Kakorin S, Hellweg T. Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels. Polymers. 2022;14(10): 1999.
Friesen, S., Kakorin, S., & Hellweg, T. (2022). Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels. Polymers, 14(10), 1999.
Friesen, Simon, Kakorin, Sergej, and Hellweg, Thomas. 2022. “Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels”. Polymers 14 (10): 1999.
Friesen, S., Kakorin, S., and Hellweg, T. (2022). Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels. Polymers 14:1999.
Friesen, S., Kakorin, S., & Hellweg, T., 2022. Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels. Polymers, 14(10): 1999.
S. Friesen, S. Kakorin, and T. Hellweg, “Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels”, Polymers, vol. 14, 2022, : 1999.
Friesen, S., Kakorin, S., Hellweg, T.: Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels. Polymers. 14, : 1999 (2022).
Friesen, Simon, Kakorin, Sergej, and Hellweg, Thomas. “Modified Flory–Rehner Theory Describes Thermotropic Swelling Transition of Smart Copolymer Microgels”. Polymers 14.10 (2022): 1999.
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