GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie

Berlth F, Lorenz F, Kleinert R, Langhammer N, Hadzijusufovic E, Chon S-H (2022)
Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique 79(3-4): 151-158.

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Berlth, Felix; Lorenz, Florian; Kleinert, RobertUniBi; Langhammer, Nils; Hadzijusufovic, Edin; Chon, Seung-Hun
Alternativer Titel
GERD and Barett: Natural Course of One Disease - Update Diagnostics and Therapy
Abstract / Bemerkung
GERD and Barett: Natural Course of One Disease - Update Diagnostics and Therapy Abstract. The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) represents a relatively frequent condition, which clinically includes orocervical, thoracic and abdominal complaints. GERD is defined as pathological gastroesophageal acidic reflux, which consecutively leads to mucosal damage of the esophagus such as reflux esophagitis. The most common symptom of GERD is heartburn but GERD symptoms include various complaints, which need to be considered in diagnosis and therapy. Besides endoscopy, barium swallow, pH metry and manometry are counted among the routine diagnostics for GERD patients. For therapy, dietary and lifestyle measures come along with medication such as proton pump inhibitors (PPI) as daily medication and antacids on demand. It has been demonstrated that anti-reflux surgery, minimally invasive fundoplication or magnet augmentation of the lower esophageal sphincter, produces an equal and lasting effect on GERD compared to PPI. Surgery is preferred in case of large hiatal hernia of voluminous reflux. Success of therapy is given if esophageal exposure to acid is reduced, which shows in remission of esophagitis or which can be demonstrated through pH-metry control. Additionally, improvement of quality of life stands in the focus of GERD treatment, which is to be considered for every therapeutic step. Barrett esophagus represents a subtype of GERD with rising incidence in Western countries. As potential precancerous lesion, the Barrett's esophagus is to be diagnosed early and needs to undergo a risk stratified surveillance in order to prevent dysplasia or carcinoma. Patients with low grade dysplasia, high grade dysplasia or early Barrett's carcinoma should be treated endoscopically. Soon artificial intelligence might contribute to improvement of Barrett's esophagus surveillance and treatment.
Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique
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Berlth F, Lorenz F, Kleinert R, Langhammer N, Hadzijusufovic E, Chon S-H. GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique. 2022;79(3-4):151-158.
Berlth, F., Lorenz, F., Kleinert, R., Langhammer, N., Hadzijusufovic, E., & Chon, S. - H. (2022). GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique, 79(3-4), 151-158.
Berlth, Felix, Lorenz, Florian, Kleinert, Robert, Langhammer, Nils, Hadzijusufovic, Edin, and Chon, Seung-Hun. 2022. “GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie”. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique 79 (3-4): 151-158.
Berlth, F., Lorenz, F., Kleinert, R., Langhammer, N., Hadzijusufovic, E., and Chon, S. - H. (2022). GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique 79, 151-158.
Berlth, F., et al., 2022. GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique, 79(3-4), p 151-158.
F. Berlth, et al., “GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie”, Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique, vol. 79, 2022, pp. 151-158.
Berlth, F., Lorenz, F., Kleinert, R., Langhammer, N., Hadzijusufovic, E., Chon, S.-H.: GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique. 79, 151-158 (2022).
Berlth, Felix, Lorenz, Florian, Kleinert, Robert, Langhammer, Nils, Hadzijusufovic, Edin, and Chon, Seung-Hun. “GERD und Barrett. Natürlicher Verlauf einer Erkrankung – Update Diagnostik und Therapie”. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique 79.3-4 (2022): 151-158.

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