Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue
Herrmann JB, Bubenhofer N, Knuchel D, Rebora S, Messerli T (2022)
Journal of Cultural Analytics 7(2).
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Herrmann, J. BerenikeUniBi ;
Bubenhofer, Noah;
Knuchel, Daniel;
Rebora, Simone;
Messerli, Thomas
SFB 1288 „Praktiken des Vergleichens. Die Welt ordnen und verändern“ > Projektbereich E: Grenzen des Vergleichens: Unvergleichbarkeitsbehauptungen und Grenzziehungen > Teilprojekt E06: Vergleichspraktiken in der Genese, Verstetigung und Transformation von «Nationalliteratur». Der Fall Deutschschweiz
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft > Department Literaturwissenschaft
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft > Department Literaturwissenschaft
Abstract / Bemerkung
The Social Web is a network of people and platforms, of performances and products;
of reactions, opinions, judgments, and comparisons; of emotions, valuations, and
affects; of evaluations, ratings, and rankings. Shared and connective practices lead
to emergent, fluid, and sometimes quite stable, cultures of valuation and evaluation,
managing issues of identity, world view, and social participation.
In the late fall of 2020, the conference Digital Practices,1 virtually held in Basel
(CH), asked about such cultures and issues, focusing on practices of reading, writing,
and evaluation on the social web. Following up on that conversation, and zooming
in on evaluation practices, we are glad to now introduce a special issue of the Journal
of Cultural Analytics entitled “Cultures of evaluation on the social web”.
Journal of Cultural Analytics
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Herrmann JB, Bubenhofer N, Knuchel D, Rebora S, Messerli T. Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue. Journal of Cultural Analytics. 2022;7(2).
Herrmann, J. B., Bubenhofer, N., Knuchel, D., Rebora, S., & Messerli, T. (2022). Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue. Journal of Cultural Analytics, 7(2).
Herrmann, J. Berenike, Bubenhofer, Noah, Knuchel, Daniel, Rebora, Simone, and Messerli, Thomas. 2022. “Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue”. Journal of Cultural Analytics 7 (2).
Herrmann, J. B., Bubenhofer, N., Knuchel, D., Rebora, S., and Messerli, T. (2022). Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue. Journal of Cultural Analytics 7.
Herrmann, J.B., et al., 2022. Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue. Journal of Cultural Analytics, 7(2).
J.B. Herrmann, et al., “Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue”, Journal of Cultural Analytics, vol. 7, 2022.
Herrmann, J.B., Bubenhofer, N., Knuchel, D., Rebora, S., Messerli, T.: Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue. Journal of Cultural Analytics. 7, (2022).
Herrmann, J. Berenike, Bubenhofer, Noah, Knuchel, Daniel, Rebora, Simone, and Messerli, Thomas. “Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue”. Journal of Cultural Analytics 7.2 (2022).
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