Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts?

Weber J (2021)
Science of Gymnastics Journal 13(3): 323-336.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Motivation is a performance-limiting factor in sports. Thus, the relevance of motivation for performance in wheel gymnastics must be clarified. 203 German gymnasts were studied. Motivational differences were found between different disciplines and performance levels. Differences between performance levels were also present in groups grouped by discipline. Additionally, a connection was found between hope for success and body fat percentage as well as motivational factors and deductions to difficulty score. Several motivational aspects correlated with age. There were significant correlations between motivational factors and age at different performance levels. Results suggest that motivation might be relevant for the development of talent in wheel gymnastics
wheel gymnastics; body fat percentage; judges; competitive results; motivation
Science of Gymnastics Journal
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Weber J. Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts? Science of Gymnastics Journal. 2021;13(3):323-336.
Weber, J. (2021). Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts? Science of Gymnastics Journal, 13(3), 323-336.
Weber, Johanna. 2021. “Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts?”. Science of Gymnastics Journal 13 (3): 323-336.
Weber, J. (2021). Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts? Science of Gymnastics Journal 13, 323-336.
Weber, J., 2021. Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts? Science of Gymnastics Journal, 13(3), p 323-336.
J. Weber, “Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts?”, Science of Gymnastics Journal, vol. 13, 2021, pp. 323-336.
Weber, J.: Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts? Science of Gymnastics Journal. 13, 323-336 (2021).
Weber, Johanna. “Are there connections between the body fat percentage, competitive results and motivation in wheel gymnasts?”. Science of Gymnastics Journal 13.3 (2021): 323-336.

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