Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour

Hartner M, Schneider R (2022)
In: Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century. Böhm-Schnitker N, Hartner M (Eds); Edition Kulturwissenschaft, 258. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag: 77-104.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hartner, MarcusUniBi; Schneider, Ralf
Böhm-Schnitker, Nadine; Hartner, Marcus
Abstract / Bemerkung
Comparisons not only prove fundamental in the epistemological foundation of modernity (Foucault, Luhmann), but they fulfil a central function in social life and the production of art. Taking a cue from the Practice Turn in sociology, the contributors are investigating the role of comparative practices in the formation of eighteenth-century literature and culture. The book conceives of social practices of comparing as being entrenched in networks of circulation of bodies, artefacts, discourses, and ideas, and aims to investigate how such practices ordered and changed British literature and culture during the long eighteenth century.
Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century
Edition Kulturwissenschaft
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Hartner M, Schneider R. Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour. In: Böhm-Schnitker N, Hartner M, eds. Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century. Edition Kulturwissenschaft. Vol 258. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag; 2022: 77-104.
Hartner, M., & Schneider, R. (2022). Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour. In N. Böhm-Schnitker & M. Hartner (Eds.), Edition Kulturwissenschaft: Vol. 258. Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century (pp. 77-104). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag.
Hartner, Marcus, and Schneider, Ralf. 2022. “Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour”. In Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century, ed. Nadine Böhm-Schnitker and Marcus Hartner, 258:77-104. Edition Kulturwissenschaft. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag.
Hartner, M., and Schneider, R. (2022). “Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour” in Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century, Böhm-Schnitker, N., and Hartner, M. eds. Edition Kulturwissenschaft, vol. 258, (Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag), 77-104.
Hartner, M., & Schneider, R., 2022. Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour. In N. Böhm-Schnitker & M. Hartner, eds. Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century. Edition Kulturwissenschaft. no.258 Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, pp. 77-104.
M. Hartner and R. Schneider, “Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour”, Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century, N. Böhm-Schnitker and M. Hartner, eds., Edition Kulturwissenschaft, vol. 258, Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022, pp.77-104.
Hartner, M., Schneider, R.: Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour. In: Böhm-Schnitker, N. and Hartner, M. (eds.) Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century. Edition Kulturwissenschaft. 258, p. 77-104. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany (2022).
Hartner, Marcus, and Schneider, Ralf. “Comparing Conduct: English Novels of the Long Eighteenth Century and the Formation of Ideals of Social Behaviour”. Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century. Ed. Nadine Böhm-Schnitker and Marcus Hartner. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022.Vol. 258. Edition Kulturwissenschaft. 77-104.
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Comparative Practices: Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century
Böhm-Schnitker N, Hartner M (Eds) (2022) Edition Kulturwissenschaft; 258.
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

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