In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies
Membe Femoe U, Kadji Fassi JB, Boukeng Jatsa H, Tchoffo YL, Amvame Nna DC, Kamdoum BC, Njonte Wouamba SC, Toussie Tchegnitegni B, Tchaleu Ngadjui B, Sewald N, Ndjakou Lenta B, et al. (2022)
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2022: 7281144.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Membe Femoe, Ulrich;
Kadji Fassi, Joseph Bertin;
Boukeng Jatsa, Hermine;
Tchoffo, Yannick Leonel;
Amvame Nna, David Carel;
Kamdoum, Blaise Cedric;
Njonte Wouamba, Steven Collins;
Toussie Tchegnitegni, Billy;
Tchaleu Ngadjui, Bonaventure;
Sewald, NorbertUniBi
Ndjakou Lenta, Bruno;
Tchuem Tchuente, Louis-Albert

Abstract / Bemerkung
Despite the global efforts, schistosomiasis remains a public health problem in several tropical and subtropical countries. One of the major challenges in the fight against schistosomiasis is the interruption of the parasite life cycle. Here, we evaluated the anticercarial, cytotoxicity, and phytochemical profiles of Sida acuta (HESa) and Sida rhombifolia (HESr) hydroethanolic extracts (Malvaceae). Schistosoma mansoni cercaria was collected from fifteen Biomphalaria pfeifferi-infected snails. Twenty-five cercariae were incubated in duplicate with different concentrations (31.25-1,000mug/mL) of HESa or HESr. The cercaria viability was monitored at 30min time intervals for 150min, and the concentration-response curve of each plant extract was used to determine their respective lethal concentration 50 (LC50). Additionally, the cytotoxicity profile of each plant extract was evaluated on the Hepa 1-6cell line at a concentration range of 15.625-1,000g/mL using the WST-8 assay method and its inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) was calculated. Moreover, phytochemical characterization of each plant extract was carried out by HPLC-MS. Both extracts exhibited cercaricidal activity in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. At 30min time point, HESa (LC50=28.41±3.5g/mL) was more effective than HESr (LC50=172.42±26.16g/mL) in killing S. mansoni cercariae. Regarding the cytotoxicity effect of both extracts, the IC50 of HESa (IC50=109.67g/mL) was lower than that of HESr (IC50=888.79g/mL). The selectivity index was 3.86 and 5.15 for HESa and HESr, respectively. Fifteen compounds were identified from HESa and HESr after HPLC-MS analysis. N-Feruloyltyramine, a polyphenol, and thamnosmonin, a coumarin, were identified in both extracts. HESa and HESr displayed cercaricidal activity and were not toxic on Hepa 1-6 cell line. Based on the selectivity index of these extracts, S. rhombifolia extract could be more effective on S. mansoni cercariae than S. acuta extract. This study could provide baseline information for further investigations aiming to develop plant-based alternative drugs against S. mansoni. Copyright © 2022 Ulrich Membe Femoe et al.
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Page URI
Membe Femoe U, Kadji Fassi JB, Boukeng Jatsa H, et al. In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2022;2022: 7281144.
Membe Femoe, U., Kadji Fassi, J. B., Boukeng Jatsa, H., Tchoffo, Y. L., Amvame Nna, D. C., Kamdoum, B. C., Njonte Wouamba, S. C., et al. (2022). In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022, 7281144.
Membe Femoe, Ulrich, Kadji Fassi, Joseph Bertin, Boukeng Jatsa, Hermine, Tchoffo, Yannick Leonel, Amvame Nna, David Carel, Kamdoum, Blaise Cedric, Njonte Wouamba, Steven Collins, et al. 2022. “In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies”. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2022: 7281144.
Membe Femoe, U., Kadji Fassi, J. B., Boukeng Jatsa, H., Tchoffo, Y. L., Amvame Nna, D. C., Kamdoum, B. C., Njonte Wouamba, S. C., Toussie Tchegnitegni, B., Tchaleu Ngadjui, B., Sewald, N., et al. (2022). In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2022:7281144.
Membe Femoe, U., et al., 2022. In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022: 7281144.
U. Membe Femoe, et al., “In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies”, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2022, 2022, : 7281144.
Membe Femoe, U., Kadji Fassi, J.B., Boukeng Jatsa, H., Tchoffo, Y.L., Amvame Nna, D.C., Kamdoum, B.C., Njonte Wouamba, S.C., Toussie Tchegnitegni, B., Tchaleu Ngadjui, B., Sewald, N., Ndjakou Lenta, B., Tchuem Tchuente, L.-A., Dimo, T.: In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2022, : 7281144 (2022).
Membe Femoe, Ulrich, Kadji Fassi, Joseph Bertin, Boukeng Jatsa, Hermine, Tchoffo, Yannick Leonel, Amvame Nna, David Carel, Kamdoum, Blaise Cedric, Njonte Wouamba, Steven Collins, Toussie Tchegnitegni, Billy, Tchaleu Ngadjui, Bonaventure, Sewald, Norbert, Ndjakou Lenta, Bruno, Tchuem Tchuente, Louis-Albert, and Dimo, Theophile. “In Vitro Assessment of the Cercaricidal Activity of Sida acuta Burm. F. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. (Malvaceae) Hydroethanolic Extracts, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Studies”. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2022 (2022): 7281144.
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