Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity

Hofmann D (2022)
In: Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation. von Kellenbach K, Buschmeier M (Eds); New York: Oxford University Press: 143-158.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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von Kellenbach, Katharina; Buschmeier, Matthias
Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation
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Hofmann D. Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity. In: von Kellenbach K, Buschmeier M, eds. Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation. New York: Oxford University Press; 2022: 143-158.
Hofmann, D. (2022). Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity. In K. von Kellenbach & M. Buschmeier (Eds.), Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation (pp. 143-158). New York: Oxford University Press.
Hofmann, Dominik. 2022. “Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity”. In Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation, ed. Katharina von Kellenbach and Matthias Buschmeier, 143-158. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hofmann, D. (2022). “Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity” in Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation, von Kellenbach, K., and Buschmeier, M. eds. (New York: Oxford University Press), 143-158.
Hofmann, D., 2022. Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity. In K. von Kellenbach & M. Buschmeier, eds. Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 143-158.
D. Hofmann, “Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity”, Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation, K. von Kellenbach and M. Buschmeier, eds., New York: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp.143-158.
Hofmann, D.: Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity. In: von Kellenbach, K. and Buschmeier, M. (eds.) Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation. p. 143-158. Oxford University Press, New York (2022).
Hofmann, Dominik. “Guilt with and without Punishment. On Moral and Legal Guilt in Contexts of Impunity”. Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation. Ed. Katharina von Kellenbach and Matthias Buschmeier. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. 143-158.
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Guilt. A Force of Cultural Transformation
von Kellenbach K, Buschmeier M (Eds) (2022)
New York : Oxford University Press.

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