Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review

Rigamonti L, Albrecht U-V, Lutter C, Tempel M, Wolfarth B, Back DA (2020)
Current Sports Medicine Reports 19(4): 157-163.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Rigamonti, Lia; Albrecht, Urs-VitoUniBi ; Lutter, Christoph; Tempel, Mathias; Wolfarth, Bernd; Back, David Alexander
Abstract / Bemerkung
Digital transformation is becoming increasingly common in modern life and sports medicine, like many other medical disciplines, it is strongly influenced and impacted by this rapidly changing field. This review aims to give a brief overview of the potential that digital technologies can have for health care providers and patients in the clinical practice of sports medicine. We will focus on mobile applications, wearables, smart devices, intelligent machines, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, big data, system interoperability, virtual reality, augmented reality, exergaming, or social networks. While some technologies are already used in current medical practice, others still have undiscovered potential. Due to the diversity and ever changing nature of this field, we will briefly review multiple areas in an attempt to give readers some general exposure to the landscape instead of a thorough, deep review of one topic. Further research will be necessary to show how digitalization applications could best be used for patient treatments.

Beteiligte Körperschaft: AG Digitalisierung der Dt. Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Current Sports Medicine Reports
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Rigamonti L, Albrecht U-V, Lutter C, Tempel M, Wolfarth B, Back DA. Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2020;19(4):157-163.
Rigamonti, L., Albrecht, U. - V., Lutter, C., Tempel, M., Wolfarth, B., & Back, D. A. (2020). Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 19(4), 157-163. https://doi.org/10.1249/JSR.0000000000000704
Rigamonti, Lia, Albrecht, Urs-Vito, Lutter, Christoph, Tempel, Mathias, Wolfarth, Bernd, and Back, David Alexander. 2020. “Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review”. Current Sports Medicine Reports 19 (4): 157-163.
Rigamonti, L., Albrecht, U. - V., Lutter, C., Tempel, M., Wolfarth, B., and Back, D. A. (2020). Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review. Current Sports Medicine Reports 19, 157-163.
Rigamonti, L., et al., 2020. Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 19(4), p 157-163.
L. Rigamonti, et al., “Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review”, Current Sports Medicine Reports, vol. 19, 2020, pp. 157-163.
Rigamonti, L., Albrecht, U.-V., Lutter, C., Tempel, M., Wolfarth, B., Back, D.A.: Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 19, 157-163 (2020).
Rigamonti, Lia, Albrecht, Urs-Vito, Lutter, Christoph, Tempel, Mathias, Wolfarth, Bernd, and Back, David Alexander. “Potentials of Digitalization in Sports Medicine : A Narrative Review”. Current Sports Medicine Reports 19.4 (2020): 157-163.

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