Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview

Nutsch N, Bruland D, Latteck Ä-D (2021)
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities: 174462952110264.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Nutsch, NiklasUniBi ; Bruland, Dirk; Latteck, Änne-Dörte
Abstract / Bemerkung
People with intellectual disabilities show significantly lower levels of physical activity than the general population in respect to all consequences for health. A positive effect of physical activity on health preservation has been proven, but interventions for physical activity in everyday life seem to be rare for people with intellectual disabilities. Based on a previously conducted scoping review the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist was prepared. This article describes and compares physical activity interventions in everyday life for individuals with intellectual disabilities with the aim to of identifying successful strategies and areas for improvement. The 12 included interventions are heterogeneous, but commonalities and similarities can be identified. There are suggestions for successful strategies to implement physical activity interventions. However, much information could not be found. The promotion of healthier lifestyles is important to improve the overall health in this population.
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
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Nutsch N, Bruland D, Latteck Ä-D. Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 2021: 174462952110264.
Nutsch, N., Bruland, D., & Latteck, Ä. - D. (2021). Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 174462952110264.
Nutsch, Niklas, Bruland, Dirk, and Latteck, Änne-Dörte. 2021. “Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview”. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities: 174462952110264.
Nutsch, N., Bruland, D., and Latteck, Ä. - D. (2021). Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities:174462952110264.
Nutsch, N., Bruland, D., & Latteck, Ä.-D., 2021. Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, : 174462952110264.
N. Nutsch, D. Bruland, and Ä.-D. Latteck, “Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview”, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2021, : 174462952110264.
Nutsch, N., Bruland, D., Latteck, Ä.-D.: Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. : 174462952110264 (2021).
Nutsch, Niklas, Bruland, Dirk, and Latteck, Änne-Dörte. “Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview”. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities (2021): 174462952110264.

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