Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction

Dawid H, Muehlheusser G (2022)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 134: 104288.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Dawid, HerbertUniBi ; Muehlheusser, Gerd
Abstract / Bemerkung
We analyze the role of product liability for the emergence and development of smart products such as autonomous vehicles (AVs). We develop, and calibrate to the U.S. car market, a dynamic model where a (monopolistic) innovator chooses safety stock investments, the timing of market introduction, and the product price. Inducing higher long-term product safety through a strict (partial) liability rule reduces short-term safety investments and slows down AV market penetration. By contrast, negligence-based liability fosters initial investments without hampering long-term product safety. However, too stringent liability might forestall investments in the development of AVs and their market introduction.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
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Dawid H, Muehlheusser G. Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2022;134: 104288.
Dawid, H., & Muehlheusser, G. (2022). Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 134, 104288.
Dawid, Herbert, and Muehlheusser, Gerd. 2022. “Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 134: 104288.
Dawid, H., and Muehlheusser, G. (2022). Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 134:104288.
Dawid, H., & Muehlheusser, G., 2022. Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 134: 104288.
H. Dawid and G. Muehlheusser, “Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 134, 2022, : 104288.
Dawid, H., Muehlheusser, G.: Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 134, : 104288 (2022).
Dawid, Herbert, and Muehlheusser, Gerd. “Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 134 (2022): 104288.

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