Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells

Windmöller BA, Hoeving AL, Knabbe C, Greiner J (2021)
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 18: 1510-1520.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 3.80 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
Adult human neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) are found in a variety of adult tissues and show an extraordinary broad developmental potential. Despite their great differentiation capacity, increasing evidence suggest a remaining niche-dependent variability between different NCSC-populations regarding their differentiation behavior and expression signatures. In the present study, we extended the view on heterogeneity of NCSCs by identifying heterogeneous expression levels and protein amounts of characteristic markers even between NCSCs from the same niche of origin. In particular, populations of neural crest-derived inferior turbinate stem cells (ITSCs) isolated from different individuals showed significant variations in characteristic NCSC marker proteins Nestin, S100 and Slug in a donor-dependent manner. Notably, increased nuclear protein amounts of Slug were accompanied by a significantly elevated level of nuclear NF-kappa B-p65 protein, suggesting an NF-kappa B-dependent regulation of NCSC-makers. In addition to this interpopulational genetic heterogeneity of ITSC-populations from different donors, single ITSCs also revealed a strong heterogeneity regarding the protein amounts of Nestin, S100, Slug and NF-kappa B-p65 even within the same clonal culture. Our present findings therefor strongly suggest ITSC-heterogeneity to be at least partly based on an interpopulational genetic heterogeneity dependent on the donor accompanied by a stochastic intrapopulational heterogeneity between single cells. We propose this stochastic intrapopulational heterogeneity to occur in addition to the already described genetic variability between clonal NCSC-cultures and the niche-dependent plasticity of NCSCs. Our observations offer a novel perspective on NCSC-heterogeneity, which may build the basis to understand heterogeneous NCSC-behavior.
Heterogeneity; Adult human stem cells; Neural crest-derived stem cells; Inferior turbinate stem cells; Stochastic heterogeneity; Clonal; heterogeneity
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
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Windmöller BA, Hoeving AL, Knabbe C, Greiner J. Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports . 2021;18:1510-1520.
Windmöller, B. A., Hoeving, A. L., Knabbe, C., & Greiner, J. (2021). Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports , 18, 1510-1520.
Windmöller, Beatrice Ariane, Hoeving, Anna L., Knabbe, Cornelius, and Greiner, Johannes. 2021. “Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells”. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 18: 1510-1520.
Windmöller, B. A., Hoeving, A. L., Knabbe, C., and Greiner, J. (2021). Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 18, 1510-1520.
Windmöller, B.A., et al., 2021. Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports , 18, p 1510-1520.
B.A. Windmöller, et al., “Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells”, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports , vol. 18, 2021, pp. 1510-1520.
Windmöller, B.A., Hoeving, A.L., Knabbe, C., Greiner, J.: Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports . 18, 1510-1520 (2021).
Windmöller, Beatrice Ariane, Hoeving, Anna L., Knabbe, Cornelius, and Greiner, Johannes. “Inter- and Intrapopulational Heterogeneity of Characteristic Markers in Adult Human Neural Crest-derived Stem Cells”. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 18 (2021): 1510-1520.
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