A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science

Nawroth C, Krause T (2021) .

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Nawroth, Christian; Krause, TobiasUniBi
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Nawroth C, Krause T. A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science. 2021.
Nawroth, C., & Krause, T. (2021). A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/dnfvs
Nawroth, Christian, and Krause, Tobias. 2021. “A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science”.
Nawroth, C., and Krause, T. (2021). A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science.
Nawroth, C., & Krause, T., 2021. A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science.
C. Nawroth and T. Krause, “A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science”, 2021.
Nawroth, C., Krause, T.: A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science. (2021).
Nawroth, Christian, and Krause, Tobias. “A short primer on the academic, societal, and animal welfare benefits of Open Science for animal science”. (2021).

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