Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise
Tambue A, Mukam JD (2021)
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences: mma.7588.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Tambue, Antoine;
Mukam, Jean DanielUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
In this paper, we investigate the numerical approximation of stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations using two explicit exponential integrators. The stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) is driven by additive Wiener process. The approximation in space is done via a combination of the standard finite element method and the Galerkin projection method. Using the linear functional of the noise, we construct two accelerated numerical methods, which achieve higher convergence orders. In particular, we achieve convergence rates approximately 1 for trace class noise and 1 2 for space-time white noise. These convergence orders are obtained under less regularity assumptions on the nonlinear drift function than those used in the literature for stochastic reaction–diffusion equations. Numerical experiments to illustrate our theoretical results are provided.
additive noise;
exponential integrators;
finite element method;
Galerkin projection method;
stochas- tic convection–reaction–diffusion equations;
strong convergence
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Tambue A, Mukam JD. Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2021: mma.7588.
Tambue, A., & Mukam, J. D. (2021). Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, mma.7588. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.7588
Tambue, Antoine, and Mukam, Jean Daniel. 2021. “Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise”. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences: mma.7588.
Tambue, A., and Mukam, J. D. (2021). Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences:mma.7588.
Tambue, A., & Mukam, J.D., 2021. Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, : mma.7588.
A. Tambue and J.D. Mukam, “Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2021, : mma.7588.
Tambue, A., Mukam, J.D.: Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. : mma.7588 (2021).
Tambue, Antoine, and Mukam, Jean Daniel. “Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise”. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2021): mma.7588.
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