Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding

Seegelke C, Schonard C, Heed T (2021)
Journal of Neurophysiology.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Action choices are influenced by future and recent past action states. For example, when performing two actions in succession, response times (RT) to initiate the second action are reduced when the same hand is used. These findings suggest the existence of effector-specific processing for action planning. However, given that each hand is primarily controlled by the contralateral hemisphere, the RT benefit might actually reflect effector-independent, hemisphere-specific rather than effector-specific repetition effects. Here, participants performed two consecutive movements, each with a hand or a foot, in one of two directions. Direction was specified in an egocentric reference frame (inward, outward) or in an allocentric reference frame (left, right). Successive actions were initiated faster when the same limb (e.g., left hand - left hand), but not when the other limb of the same body side (e.g., left foot - left hand) executed the second action. The same-limb advantage was evident even when the two movements involved different directions, whether specified egocentrically or allocentrically. Corroborating evidence from computational modeling lends support to the claim that repetition effects in action planning reflect persistent changes in baseline activity within neural populations that encode effector-specific action plans.
Journal of Neurophysiology
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Seegelke C, Schonard C, Heed T. Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2021.
Seegelke, C., Schonard, C., & Heed, T. (2021). Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Seegelke, Christian, Schonard, Carolin, and Heed, Tobias. 2021. “Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding”. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Seegelke, C., Schonard, C., and Heed, T. (2021). Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Seegelke, C., Schonard, C., & Heed, T., 2021. Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding. Journal of Neurophysiology.
C. Seegelke, C. Schonard, and T. Heed, “Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding”, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2021.
Seegelke, C., Schonard, C., Heed, T.: Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding. Journal of Neurophysiology. (2021).
Seegelke, Christian, Schonard, Carolin, and Heed, Tobias. “Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding”. Journal of Neurophysiology (2021).

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