Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion

Schweitzer D, Schlichting S, Smekal L von (2021)
Nuclear Physics B 984: 115944.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schweitzer, Dominik; Schlichting, SörenUniBi ; Smekal, Lorenz von
Abstract / Bemerkung
We study the dynamics of self-interacting scalar fields with symmetry governed by a relativistic Israel-Stuart type diffusion equation in the vicinity of a critical point. We calculate spectral functions of the order parameter in mean-field approximation as well as using first-principles classical-statistical lattice simulations in real-time. We observe that the spectral functions are well-described by single Breit-Wigner shapes. Away from criticality, the dispersion matches the expectations from the mean-field approach. At the critical point, the spectral functions largely keep their Breit-Wigner shape, albeit with non-trivial power-law dispersion relations. We extract the characteristic time-scales as well as the dynamic critical exponent z, verifying the existence of a dynamic scaling regime. In addition, we derive the universal scaling functions implied by the Breit-Wigner shape with critical power-law dispersion and show that they match the data. Considering equations of motion for a system coupled to a heat bath as well as an isolated system, we perform this study for two different dynamic universality classes, both in two and three spatial dimensions.
Nuclear Physics B
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Schweitzer D, Schlichting S, Smekal L von. Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion. Nuclear Physics B. 2021;984: 115944.
Schweitzer, D., Schlichting, S., & Smekal, L. von (2021). Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion. Nuclear Physics B, 984, 115944.
Schweitzer, Dominik, Schlichting, Sören, and Smekal, Lorenz von. 2021. “Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion”. Nuclear Physics B 984: 115944.
Schweitzer, D., Schlichting, S., and Smekal, L. von (2021). Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion. Nuclear Physics B 984:115944.
Schweitzer, D., Schlichting, S., & Smekal, L. von, 2021. Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion. Nuclear Physics B, 984: 115944.
D. Schweitzer, S. Schlichting, and L. von Smekal, “Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion”, Nuclear Physics B, vol. 984, 2021, : 115944.
Schweitzer, D., Schlichting, S., Smekal, L. von: Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion. Nuclear Physics B. 984, : 115944 (2021).
Schweitzer, Dominik, Schlichting, Sören, and Smekal, Lorenz von. “Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion”. Nuclear Physics B 984 (2021): 115944.

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