Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics
Dawid H, Hepp J (2022)
Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 3: 137–167.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
In this paper, we study the effect of different types of technological regime changes
on the evolution of industry concentration and wage inequality. Using a calibrated
agent-based macroeconomic framework, the Eurace@Unibi model, we consider sce-
narios where the new regime is characterized by a finite time period of more frequent
respectively more substantial changes in the frontier technology compared to the old
regime. We show that under both scenarios, the regime change leads to an increase in
the heterogeneity of productivity in the firm population and to increased market con-
centration, where effects are much less pronounced if the new regime differs from
the old one with respect to the frequency of innovations. If the new regime is char-
acterized by an increase of the size of the frontier jumps along the technological
trajectory, the evolution of the wage inequality has an inverted U-shape with a large
fraction of workers profiting in the very long run from high wages offered by dom-
inant high-tech firms. Finally, it is shown that (observable) heterogeneity of worker
skills plays an important role in generating these dynamic effects of technological
regime changes.
Agent-based model · Technological regime · Inequality · Firm polarization
Review of Evolutionary Political Economy
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
Page URI
Dawid H, Hepp J. Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. 2022;3:137–167.
Dawid, H., & Hepp, J. (2022). Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 3, 137–167. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43253-021-00052-5
Dawid, Herbert, and Hepp, Jasper. 2022. “Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics”. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 3: 137–167.
Dawid, H., and Hepp, J. (2022). Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 3, 137–167.
Dawid, H., & Hepp, J., 2022. Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 3, p 137–167.
H. Dawid and J. Hepp, “Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics”, Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, vol. 3, 2022, pp. 137–167.
Dawid, H., Hepp, J.: Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. 3, 137–167 (2022).
Dawid, Herbert, and Hepp, Jasper. “Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics”. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 3 (2022): 137–167.
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