Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy

Engdahl AK, Grauberger O, Schüttpelz M, Huser T (2021)

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Abstract / Bemerkung
Photoinduced off-switching of organic fluorophores is routinely used in super-resolution microscopy to separate and localize single fluorescent molecules, but the method typically relies on the use of complex imaging buffers. The most common buffers use primary thiols to reversibly reduce excited fluorophores to a non-fluorescent dark state, but these thiols have a limited shelf life and additionally require high illumination intensities in order to efficiently switch the emission of fluorophores. Recently a high-index, thiol-containing imaging buffer emerged which used sodium sulfite as an oxygen scavenger, but the switching properties of sulfite was not reported on. Here, we show that sodium sulfite in common buffer solutions reacts with fluorescent dyes, such as Alexa Fluor 647 and Alexa Fluor 488 under low to medium intensity illumination to form a semi-stable dark state. The duration of this dark state can be tuned by adding glycerol to the buffer. This simplifies the realization of different super-resolution microscopy modalities such as direct Stochastic Reconstruction Microscopy (dSTORM) and Super-resolution Optical Fluctuation Microscopy (SOFI). We characterize sulfite as a switching agent and compare it to the two most common switching agents by imaging cytoskeleton structures such as microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton in human osteosarcoma cells.
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Engdahl AK, Grauberger O, Schüttpelz M, Huser T. Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy. bioRxiv. 2021.
Engdahl, A. K., Grauberger, O., Schüttpelz, M., & Huser, T. (2021). Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy. bioRxiv.
Engdahl, Anders Kokkvoll, Grauberger, Oleg, Schüttpelz, Mark, and Huser, Thomas. 2021. “Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy”. bioRxiv.
Engdahl, A. K., Grauberger, O., Schüttpelz, M., and Huser, T. (2021). Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy. bioRxiv.
Engdahl, A.K., et al., 2021. Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy. bioRxiv.
A.K. Engdahl, et al., “Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy”, bioRxiv, 2021.
Engdahl, A.K., Grauberger, O., Schüttpelz, M., Huser, T.: Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy. bioRxiv. (2021).
Engdahl, Anders Kokkvoll, Grauberger, Oleg, Schüttpelz, Mark, and Huser, Thomas. “Sodium sulfite as a switching agent for single molecule based super-resolution optical microscopy”. bioRxiv (2021).
Material in PUB:
Spätere Version
Switching of Organic Fluorophores by Glycerol‐Sulfite Interactions for Single‐Molecule Super‐Resolution Microscopy
Engdahl AK, Grauberger O, Brockhinke A, Schüttpelz M, Huser T (2023)
ChemPhotoChem 7(5): e202200305.

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