Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation?

Fieguth A, Albrecht U-V, Bertolini J, Kleemann W (2003)
International Journal of Legal Medicine 117(1): 10-13.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Fieguth, A.; Albrecht, Urs-VitoUniBi ; Bertolini, J.; Kleemann, W.
Abstract / Bemerkung
This case control study was designed to investigate if laryngeal haemorrhages occur in cases of strangulation and whether these lesions are specific to strangulation. In the study 30 larynxes from victims of fatal strangulation were examined (7 cases of manual strangulation, 12 cases of ligature strangulation, 11 cases of combined manual and ligature strangulation). The control group comprised 40 cases of death without any neck injuries and another group consisted of 5 cases of death caused by trauma with findings of non-strangulation neck injuries. In all the groups, only four solitary haemorrhages (two cases, one control, one non-strangulation neck injury) were observed that did not occur in the proximity of areas of blood accumulation. The results of our investigation suggest that histological evidence of blood accumulation or of haemorrhages in thyroid cartilage is not a reliable criterion to distinguish between haemorrhagic lesions due to strangulation and other types of blood accumulation or artefacts.
International Journal of Legal Medicine
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Fieguth A, Albrecht U-V, Bertolini J, Kleemann W. Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation? International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2003;117(1):10-13.
Fieguth, A., Albrecht, U. - V., Bertolini, J., & Kleemann, W. (2003). Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation? International Journal of Legal Medicine, 117(1), 10-13.
Fieguth, A., Albrecht, Urs-Vito, Bertolini, J., and Kleemann, W. 2003. “Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation?”. International Journal of Legal Medicine 117 (1): 10-13.
Fieguth, A., Albrecht, U. - V., Bertolini, J., and Kleemann, W. (2003). Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation? International Journal of Legal Medicine 117, 10-13.
Fieguth, A., et al., 2003. Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation? International Journal of Legal Medicine, 117(1), p 10-13.
A. Fieguth, et al., “Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation?”, International Journal of Legal Medicine, vol. 117, 2003, pp. 10-13.
Fieguth, A., Albrecht, U.-V., Bertolini, J., Kleemann, W.: Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation? International Journal of Legal Medicine. 117, 10-13 (2003).
Fieguth, A., Albrecht, Urs-Vito, Bertolini, J., and Kleemann, W. “Intracartilaginous haemorrhagic lesions in strangulation?”. International Journal of Legal Medicine 117.1 (2003): 10-13.

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