A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control

Mertens A, Brandl C, Miron-Shatz T, Schlick C, Neumann T, Kribben A, Meister S, Diamantidis CJ, Albrecht U-V, Horn P, Becker S (2016)
Medicine 95(36): e4446.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Mertens, Alexander; Brandl, Christopher; Miron-Shatz, Talya; Schlick, Christopher; Neumann, Till; Kribben, Andreas; Meister, Sven; Diamantidis, Clarissa Jonas; Albrecht, Urs-VitoUniBi ; Horn, Peter; Becker, Stefan
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Mertens A, Brandl C, Miron-Shatz T, et al. A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control. Medicine. 2016;95(36): e4446.
Mertens, A., Brandl, C., Miron-Shatz, T., Schlick, C., Neumann, T., Kribben, A., Meister, S., et al. (2016). A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control. Medicine, 95(36), e4446. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000004446
Mertens, Alexander, Brandl, Christopher, Miron-Shatz, Talya, Schlick, Christopher, Neumann, Till, Kribben, Andreas, Meister, Sven, et al. 2016. “A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control”. Medicine 95 (36): e4446.
Mertens, A., Brandl, C., Miron-Shatz, T., Schlick, C., Neumann, T., Kribben, A., Meister, S., Diamantidis, C. J., Albrecht, U. - V., Horn, P., et al. (2016). A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control. Medicine 95:e4446.
Mertens, A., et al., 2016. A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control. Medicine, 95(36): e4446.
A. Mertens, et al., “A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control”, Medicine, vol. 95, 2016, : e4446.
Mertens, A., Brandl, C., Miron-Shatz, T., Schlick, C., Neumann, T., Kribben, A., Meister, S., Diamantidis, C.J., Albrecht, U.-V., Horn, P., Becker, S.: A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control. Medicine. 95, : e4446 (2016).
Mertens, Alexander, Brandl, Christopher, Miron-Shatz, Talya, Schlick, Christopher, Neumann, Till, Kribben, Andreas, Meister, Sven, Diamantidis, Clarissa Jonas, Albrecht, Urs-Vito, Horn, Peter, and Becker, Stefan. “A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: A crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based control”. Medicine 95.36 (2016): e4446.

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