Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training

Baier C, Albrecht U-V, Ebadi E, Vonberg R-P, Schilke R (2020)
American Journal of Infection Control 48(6): 708-712.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Baier, Claas; Albrecht, Urs-VitoUniBi ; Ebadi, Ella; Vonberg, Ralf-Peter; Schilke, Reinhard
American Journal of Infection Control
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Baier C, Albrecht U-V, Ebadi E, Vonberg R-P, Schilke R. Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training. American Journal of Infection Control. 2020;48(6):708-712.
Baier, C., Albrecht, U. - V., Ebadi, E., Vonberg, R. - P., & Schilke, R. (2020). Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training. American Journal of Infection Control, 48(6), 708-712.
Baier, Claas, Albrecht, Urs-Vito, Ebadi, Ella, Vonberg, Ralf-Peter, and Schilke, Reinhard. 2020. “Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training”. American Journal of Infection Control 48 (6): 708-712.
Baier, C., Albrecht, U. - V., Ebadi, E., Vonberg, R. - P., and Schilke, R. (2020). Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training. American Journal of Infection Control 48, 708-712.
Baier, C., et al., 2020. Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training. American Journal of Infection Control, 48(6), p 708-712.
C. Baier, et al., “Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training”, American Journal of Infection Control, vol. 48, 2020, pp. 708-712.
Baier, C., Albrecht, U.-V., Ebadi, E., Vonberg, R.-P., Schilke, R.: Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training. American Journal of Infection Control. 48, 708-712 (2020).
Baier, Claas, Albrecht, Urs-Vito, Ebadi, Ella, Vonberg, Ralf-Peter, and Schilke, Reinhard. “Knowledge about hand hygiene in the Generation Z: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students, trainee nurses and medical technical assistants in training”. American Journal of Infection Control 48.6 (2020): 708-712.

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