Child Study Association of America
Mayar M (2014)
In: Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia. London, UK: Sage.
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Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia
Page URI
Mayar M. Child Study Association of America. In: Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia. London, UK: Sage; 2014.
Mayar, M. (2014). Child Study Association of America. Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia London, UK: Sage.
Mayar, Mahshid. 2014. “Child Study Association of America”. In Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia. London, UK: Sage.
Mayar, M. (2014). “Child Study Association of America” in Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia (London, UK: Sage).
Mayar, M., 2014. Child Study Association of America. In Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia. London, UK: Sage.
M. Mayar, “Child Study Association of America”, Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia, London, UK: Sage, 2014.
Mayar, M.: Child Study Association of America. Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia. Sage, London, UK (2014).
Mayar, Mahshid. “Child Study Association of America”. Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia. London, UK: Sage, 2014.