Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish.
Engelmann J, Wallach A, Maler L (2021)
Current opinion in neurobiology 71: 1-10.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Engelmann, JacobUniBi
Wallach, Avner;
Maler, Leonard

Abstract / Bemerkung
Weakly electric fish can learn the spatial layout of their environment using only their short-range electric sense. During spatial learning, active sensing motions are used to memorize landmark locations so that they can serve as anchors for idiothetic-based navigation. A hindbrain feedback circuit selectively amplifies the electrosensory input arising from these motions. The ascending electrolocation pathway preferentially transmits this information to the pallial regions involved in spatial learning and navigation. Similarities in both behavioral patterns and hindbrain circuitry of gymnotiform and mormyrid fish, two families that independently evolved their electrosense, suggest that amplification and transmission of active sensing motion inputs are fundamental mechanisms for spatial memory acquisition. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current opinion in neurobiology
Page URI
Engelmann J, Wallach A, Maler L. Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish. Current opinion in neurobiology. 2021;71:1-10.
Engelmann, J., Wallach, A., & Maler, L. (2021). Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish. Current opinion in neurobiology, 71, 1-10.
Engelmann, Jacob, Wallach, Avner, and Maler, Leonard. 2021. “Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish.”. Current opinion in neurobiology 71: 1-10.
Engelmann, J., Wallach, A., and Maler, L. (2021). Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish. Current opinion in neurobiology 71, 1-10.
Engelmann, J., Wallach, A., & Maler, L., 2021. Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish. Current opinion in neurobiology, 71, p 1-10.
J. Engelmann, A. Wallach, and L. Maler, “Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish.”, Current opinion in neurobiology, vol. 71, 2021, pp. 1-10.
Engelmann, J., Wallach, A., Maler, L.: Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish. Current opinion in neurobiology. 71, 1-10 (2021).
Engelmann, Jacob, Wallach, Avner, and Maler, Leonard. “Linking active sensing and spatial learning in weakly electric fish.”. Current opinion in neurobiology 71 (2021): 1-10.
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