Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer

Neumann JM, Niehaus K, Neumann N, Knobloch HC, Bremmer F, Krafft U, Kellner U, Nyirady P, Szarvas T, Bednarz H, Reis H (2021)
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Neumann, Judith MarthaUniBi; Niehaus, KarstenUniBi; Neumann, NilsUniBi; Knobloch, Hans Christoph; Bremmer, Felix; Krafft, Ulrich; Kellner, Udo; Nyirady, Peter; Szarvas, Tibor; Bednarz, HannaUniBi; Reis, Henning
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology
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Neumann JM, Niehaus K, Neumann N, et al. Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology. 2021.
Neumann, J. M., Niehaus, K., Neumann, N., Knobloch, H. C., Bremmer, F., Krafft, U., Kellner, U., et al. (2021). Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.
Neumann, Judith Martha, Niehaus, Karsten, Neumann, Nils, Knobloch, Hans Christoph, Bremmer, Felix, Krafft, Ulrich, Kellner, Udo, et al. 2021. “Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer”. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.
Neumann, J. M., Niehaus, K., Neumann, N., Knobloch, H. C., Bremmer, F., Krafft, U., Kellner, U., Nyirady, P., Szarvas, T., Bednarz, H., et al. (2021). Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.
Neumann, J.M., et al., 2021. Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.
J.M. Neumann, et al., “Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer”, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology, 2021.
Neumann, J.M., Niehaus, K., Neumann, N., Knobloch, H.C., Bremmer, F., Krafft, U., Kellner, U., Nyirady, P., Szarvas, T., Bednarz, H., Reis, H.: Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology. (2021).
Neumann, Judith Martha, Niehaus, Karsten, Neumann, Nils, Knobloch, Hans Christoph, Bremmer, Felix, Krafft, Ulrich, Kellner, Udo, Nyirady, Peter, Szarvas, Tibor, Bednarz, Hanna, and Reis, Henning. “Correction to: A new technological approach in diagnostic pathology: mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics for biomarker detection in urachal cancer”. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology (2021).

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