Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder

Forster SD, Beblo T, Pohl S, Steuwe C, Gauggel S, Mainz V (2021)
Journal of psychiatric research 140: 87-94.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Forster, Saskia Doreen; Beblo, ThomasUniBi; Pohl, Sina; Steuwe, CarolinUniBi ; Gauggel, Siegfried; Mainz, Verena
Abstract / Bemerkung
Divergent self- and other-referential processes play a particular role in the development and maintenance of borderline personality disorder (BPD). This study investigated self-referential processes in patients with BPD and age-matched controls. Participants performed a trait-judgment task, taking their own and the perspective of a close other person. Memory was assessed during recall of the previous choices. Results revealed over all more negative self-appraisals in patients than controls, which seemed due to making less positive self-referential choices rather than an increased choice of negative traits. Interestingly, taking another perspective, patients had a healthier, predominantly positive self-assessment, albeit still attenuated compared to controls. The characteristics of the appraisals were mirrored in memory performances. Moreover, self-esteem seems to be a potential protective factor, as self-appraisals were more positive with higher self-esteem. Altogether, this study shows significantly deviant self-referential processes in patients with BPD, suggesting that patients do not integrate what they believe others think about them into their self-concept. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Journal of psychiatric research
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Forster SD, Beblo T, Pohl S, Steuwe C, Gauggel S, Mainz V. Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder. Journal of psychiatric research. 2021;140:87-94.
Forster, S. D., Beblo, T., Pohl, S., Steuwe, C., Gauggel, S., & Mainz, V. (2021). Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder. Journal of psychiatric research, 140, 87-94.
Forster, Saskia Doreen, Beblo, Thomas, Pohl, Sina, Steuwe, Carolin, Gauggel, Siegfried, and Mainz, Verena. 2021. “Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder”. Journal of psychiatric research 140: 87-94.
Forster, S. D., Beblo, T., Pohl, S., Steuwe, C., Gauggel, S., and Mainz, V. (2021). Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder. Journal of psychiatric research 140, 87-94.
Forster, S.D., et al., 2021. Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder. Journal of psychiatric research, 140, p 87-94.
S.D. Forster, et al., “Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder”, Journal of psychiatric research, vol. 140, 2021, pp. 87-94.
Forster, S.D., Beblo, T., Pohl, S., Steuwe, C., Gauggel, S., Mainz, V.: Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder. Journal of psychiatric research. 140, 87-94 (2021).
Forster, Saskia Doreen, Beblo, Thomas, Pohl, Sina, Steuwe, Carolin, Gauggel, Siegfried, and Mainz, Verena. “Self-referential processing and perspective taking in patients with a borderline personality disorder”. Journal of psychiatric research 140 (2021): 87-94.

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