Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]

Tiessen N, Schwarze N, Keßler M, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Hoge B (2021)
Chemistry - A European Journal 27(43): 11041-11044.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 945.77 KB
Abstract / Bemerkung
While alkyl substituted siloxanes are widely known, virtually nothing is known about perfluoroalkyl siloxanes and their congener species, the silanols and silanolates. We recently reported on the tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanide ion, [Si(C2F5)3]-, which featuresLewisamphoteric character deriving from the pentafluoroethyl substituents and their strong electron-withdrawing properties. Transferring this knowledge, we investigated theLewisamphoteric behavior of the tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate,[Si(C2F5)3O]-. In order to examine suchLewisamphoteric behavior, we first developed a strategy for the synthesis of the corresponding silanol Si(C2F5)3OH, which readily condenses at room temperature to the hexakis(pentafluoroethyl)disiloxane,(C2F5)3SiOSi(C2F5)3.Deprotonation of Si(C2F5)3OH employing a sterically demanding phosphazene base allows the characterization of the first example of a dimeric triorganosilanolate: the dianionic hexakis(pentafluoroethyl)disilanolate,[{Si(C2F5)3O}2]2-, impliesLewisamphoteric character of the monomeric[Si(C2F5)3O]-anion. © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
Chemistry - A European Journal
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Tiessen N, Schwarze N, Keßler M, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Hoge B. Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]. Chemistry - A European Journal. 2021;27(43):11041-11044.
Tiessen, N., Schwarze, N., Keßler, M., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., & Hoge, B. (2021). Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27(43), 11041-11044.
Tiessen, Natalia, Schwarze, Nico, Keßler, Mira, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, and Hoge, Berthold. 2021. “Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]”. Chemistry - A European Journal 27 (43): 11041-11044.
Tiessen, N., Schwarze, N., Keßler, M., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., and Hoge, B. (2021). Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]. Chemistry - A European Journal 27, 11041-11044.
Tiessen, N., et al., 2021. Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27(43), p 11041-11044.
N. Tiessen, et al., “Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]”, Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 27, 2021, pp. 11041-11044.
Tiessen, N., Schwarze, N., Keßler, M., Neumann, B., Stammler, H.-G., Hoge, B.: Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]. Chemistry - A European Journal. 27, 11041-11044 (2021).
Tiessen, Natalia, Schwarze, Nico, Keßler, Mira, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, and Hoge, Berthold. “Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanol Derivatives and the Lewis Amphoteric Tris(pentafluoroethyl)silanolate Anion, [Si(C2F5)3O]”. Chemistry - A European Journal 27.43 (2021): 11041-11044.
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