Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli

Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C (2021)
Scientific Reports 11(1): 21640.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 1.34 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
To organize the plethora of sensory signals from our environment into a coherent percept, our brain relies on the processes of multisensory integration and sensory recalibration. We here asked how visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration are shaped by the presence of more than one visual stimulus, hence paving the way to study multisensory perception under more naturalistic settings with multiple signals per sensory modality. We used a cursor-control task in which proprioceptive information on the endpoint of a reaching movement was complemented by two visual stimuli providing additional information on the movement endpoint. The visual stimuli were briefly shown, one synchronously with the hand reaching the movement endpoint, the other delayed. In Experiment 1, the judgments of hand movement endpoint revealed integration and recalibration biases oriented towards the position of the synchronous stimulus and away from the delayed one. In Experiment 2 we contrasted two alternative accounts: that only the temporally more proximal visual stimulus enters integration similar to a winner-takes-all process, or that the influences of both stimuli superpose. The proprioceptive biases revealed that integration—and likely also recalibration—are shaped by the superposed contributions of multiple stimuli rather than by only the most powerful individual one.
Scientific Reports
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1): 21640.
Debats, N., Heuer, H., & Kayser, C. (2021). Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 21640.
Debats, Nienke, Heuer, Herbert, and Kayser, Christoph. 2021. “Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli”. Scientific Reports 11 (1): 21640.
Debats, N., Heuer, H., and Kayser, C. (2021). Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Scientific Reports 11:21640.
Debats, N., Heuer, H., & Kayser, C., 2021. Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 21640.
N. Debats, H. Heuer, and C. Kayser, “Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli”, Scientific Reports, vol. 11, 2021, : 21640.
Debats, N., Heuer, H., Kayser, C.: Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Scientific Reports. 11, : 21640 (2021).
Debats, Nienke, Heuer, Herbert, and Kayser, Christoph. “Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli”. Scientific Reports 11.1 (2021): 21640.
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PMID: 34737371
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Preprint: 10.1101/2021.05.12.443755

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